Note: All information included in this report is taken from law enforcement incident reports and arrest records, which are public records and available for review at any and all local law enforcement agencies. Not every arrest leads to a conviction. Guilt or innocence is determined by the court system.
Statesboro Police, Bulloch County Sheriff, Georgia Southern University, and Georgia State Patrol arrests made Friday through Sunday will be reported Tuesday.
Statesboro Police
Jose Luis Cruz, 19, Railroad Street, Collins — DUI under 21, failure to maintain lane.
Alison Haley Argo, 23, Thunder Road, Claxton — DUI, headlights violation.
Warren Hardy Clements, 24, Ziegler Road, Bloomingdale — DUI.
Ariel Abigail Saucedo, 22, River Road, Claxton —DUI, failure to maintain lane.
Tresor Habumwete Banani, 24, Chandler Road — marijuana possession.
Patrick Thomas Hood, 25, Sandy Way — DUI drugs.
Luke Kenneth Rutledge, 19, Cloudland Drive, Kennesaw —possession of controlled substances near public schools, possession of MDMA (Ecstasy) with intent to distribute, marijuana possession with intent to distribute, possession/use of a drug related object.
Torian Anthony Singleton, 20, Loudon Lane, Kennesaw — marijuana possession, possession of drug paraphernalia.
Defonda Hill, 52, Groover Lane — possession/use of a drug related object, possession of a Schedule II controlled substance.
Victor Randolph Sykes, 52, North Jackson Road — possession/use of a drug related object, possession of a Schedule II controlled substance, expired tag.
Statesboro Police, Bulloch County Sheriff, Georgia Southern University, and Georgia State Patrol incidents occurring Friday through Sunday will be reported Tuesday.
Statesboro Police
BOARDWALK APARTMENTS — A gun, a Playstation 3, and video games were reported stolen.
GENTILLY ROAD — A woman called her boyfriend a chicken and he slapped her.
STADIUM WALK APARTMENTS — A man reported a laptop computer and two guns stolen.
EAST GEORGIA REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER — Bulloch County EMS transported a patient from Screven County, then found a Swisher Sweet box with marijuana inside that had been left behind in the ambulance.
Brooklet Police
Improper tag — one citation.
No Insurance — one citation.
Seat belt adult — three citations.
Seat belt child — one citation.
Speeding — 10 citations.
Suspended license — one citation.
Statesboro-Bulloch County Animal Shelter
The shelter reported the following activity during the week of Oct. 17-30.
Surrendered by county citizens —15 dogs and 19 cats.
Surrendered by Statesboro citizens — four dogs and five cats.
Animals collected by Humane Enforcement from county areas — 23 dogs and one cat.
Animals collected by Humane Enforcement in Statesboro — seven dogs and three cats.
Adopted from shelter —10 dogs and two cats.
Reclaimed by owner —four dogs.
Died at shelter —one dog, one cat.
Euthanized —46 dogs and 24 cats.
Citations/Warnings —information not provided.
Fees collected — $575.
— compiled by Holli Deal Bragg
Police Report 11-6-11; A man reported a laptop computer and two guns stolen.