Note: All information included in this report is taken from law enforcement incident reports and arrest records, which are public records and available for review at any and all local law enforcement agencies. Not every arrest leads to a conviction. Guilt or innocence is determined by the court system.
Statesboro Police, Bulloch County Sheriff, Georgia Southern University, and Georgia State Patrol arrests made Friday through Sunday will be reported Tuesday.
Brooklet Police
Calvin Bernard Mainer, 30, Precious Circle, Brooklet — failure to signal when turning, giving false identity information to law enforcement, wanted person.
William Christopher Wells, 36, Lee Street, Brooklet — wanted person.
Mark Eve Crutchfield, Jr., 19, Broomstraw Trace, Ellabell — wanted person.
Statesboro Police, Bulloch County Sheriff, Georgia Southern University, and Georgia State Patrol incidents occurring Friday through Sunday will be reported Tuesday.
Statesboro Police
WHISPERING PINES — A man reported a book bag, wallet and iPod Nano stolen.
JOHNSON STREET — Police responded to a domestic dispute.
UNIVERSITY PINES — A woman reported hearing gunshots.
MADISON MEADOWS — Officers responded to a domestic dispute.
INSTITUTE STREET — A man said a man known by the name “Slug” pushed his way into his home, aimed a gun, robbed several victims and fled.
SEA ISLAND BANK — (Statesboro) A woman reported fraudulent charges made on her account in Virginia.
BELL ROAD —(Brooklet) A woman lying on the side of the road alarmed people, who called the sheriff’s department. She said she was just lying there, and when deputies asked whether she had anything illegal in her possession, she said no as she handed them a purse with a bag of marijuana inside. Obviously under the influence, she was arrested.
GA. 24 —(Statesboro)A man called deputies regarding a man in his yard, sitting under a tree, who would not leave. He refused to answer deputies who questioned him, and was arrested on obstruction charges.
Brooklet Police
Citations: failure to signal when turning —one; giving false identity information to law enforcement — one; speeding — two; suspended license (second offense) — one.
Statesboro-Bulloch County Animal Shelter Reports
The shelter reported the following activity during the week of Sept. 19-24.
Surrendered by citizens — four dogs by rural county citizens and four dogs by Statesboro residents.
Collected by Humane enforcement — 15 dogs and one cat from rural county areas; one dog from City of Statesboro.
Adopted at shelter — five dogs.
Reclaimed by owner — two dogs.
Euthanized — 22 dogs and 54 cats.
Citations — none.
Warnings — 12.
Fees collected —$265.
— Compiled by Holli Deal Bragg
Police Report 10-2-11; A man reported a book bag, wallet and iPod Nano stolen.