I would like to take this time to thank everyone involved in making this year’s 10th Annual American Heart Association/Subway Challenge a great success. As a community, we raised $11,195.07, a 41 percent increase from last year.
Congratulations go out to the winning team of The Red Hot Hearts, led by Glen Riecken and his team of education leaders. They raised over $3,666 in two hours. But this was a group of six teams working together, so we must recognize the efforts of all the teams, including The Heart Strings, led by Judy McCorkle; The Heart Savers, led by Bob Bigley; The Heart Matters, led by Sylvia Prosser; The Financial Frenzies, led by Darron Burnette; and The Heart Throbs, led by Scott Lairsey.
I would like to personally thank Mrs. Donna Whitt for doing the heavy lifting and organizing this event. There are so many others that we must recognize for all their hard work. From the volunteers that worked in each location, to Mike at Fun Shirts, to Gary and Nancy Davis for allowing us to give the stores away for a couple of hours; to the media who covered and/or promoted this event: the Statesboro Herald, Northland Cable TV, Radio Statesboro, Bulloch Headline News, WSAV and WTOC.
I would like to thank Mr. Jared Fogle for taking his time to visit the stores and lend his support. Most important, I must thank our store operators and their employees and tell them how proud I am of their efforts and the commitment they made to this event. I know that things did not always run smoothly and I am sure we made some mistakes, but I know that they gave everything they had, and for that is what makes me so proud to have them in my life.
This leads me to thank last, but not least, the citizens of Bulloch County who supported this event through either a purchase or donation. My mother always told me it wasn’t what you say, but what you do that counts. Bulloch County, you proved her right.
Jim Good
Subway of Statesboro