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My Take - Lost, baseball and GSU Eagles
AP on TV Lost Reactio Heal
Matthew Fox, left, Jorge Garcia and Evangeline Lilly, right are shown in a scene from the finale of "Lost" in this publicity image released by ABC. Are you lost about what this has to do with GSU sports? Your questions will be answered... - photo by Associated Press
This isn’t usually the type of column that ties in a lot of pop-culture references with the sports happening around the community, but as I watched the series finale of “Lost” Sunday night ­— yeah, all two-and-a-half unfortunate hours of it (couldn’t they have aired it at, like, seven o’clock instead of nine?) — it got me thinking about life, story telling, character development, narrative and, inevitably, Georgia Southern’s baseball season. Yeah, I know it’s a stretch, but what can I say? That’s how my mind works.