Cannon fire will be heard around 3 p.m. Thursday as members of the Bulloch County Historical Society and other history enthusiasts conduct a ceremony commemorating the 150th anniversary of Gen. William T. Sherman's "March to the Sea" through Statesboro. The ceremony will take place on U.S. Highway 80 West near Food World, where the site of the "Skirmish of Statesboro": took place, said Dr. Brent Tharp, the director of the Georgia Southern University Museum and Bulloch County Historical Society member. The skirmish took place when some local Confederate soldiers encountered Union soldiers in that area, and fought briefly before the Union solders went on into town, where they burned Statesboro's courthouse, he said.
Statesboros skirmish with Union soldiers remembered
150th anniversary of Shermans March to the Sea to be commemorated Thursday

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