Note: All information included in this report is taken from law enforcement incident reports and arrest records, which are public records and available for review at any and all local law enforcement agencies. Not every arrest leads to a conviction. Guilt or innocence is determined by the court system.
Aramentha Jenkins Lewis, 38, South Court Drive, Sylvania — probation violation.
Nyqushia Lyshay Shatteen, 20, Lisa Street, Rincon — probation violation.
Justin Lee Johnson, 26, Ga. 25, Millen — suspended license, speeding, no tag and no proof of insurance.
THE MAD POTTER —Someone broke in and stole a cash register, lime and fertilizer.
CARIBE COURT — A woman said another woman came to her home, started a fight, broke a Guitar Hero controller, sun glasses and damaged a wall.
UNIVERSITY PLACE — A man said someone stole 1,000 rounds of .40 caliber ammunition from his porch, where it had been delivered.
TURNER STREET — A woman reported a tree limb fell on her car.
PIZZA HUT — Tree limbs fell on several parked vehicles during a storm.
HARWOOD STREET — A man said another man robbed him at gunpoint of $40 and a cell phone. The suspect left with other males in a dark colored car.
Charles Edward Brown, 39, Morris Street — unlawful possession of unauthorized items by an inmate.
Travon Kendrick Harris, 20, Crown Park Drive, McDonough — unlawful possession of unauthorized items by an inmate.
Romero Louis Brown, 37, U.S. 301 North — unlawful possession of unauthorized items by an inmate.
Derrick Dovonne Wright, 20, Smalley Drive, Vidalia — unlawful possession of unauthorized items by an inmate.
Ronald Alfred Greene, 33, U.S. 301 North — unlawful possession of unauthorized items by an inmate.
Issac Harden, 51, U.S. 301 North — unlawful possession of unauthorized items by an inmate.
Elicia Patrice Youmans, 22, Dogwood Avenue, Claxton — probation violation.
Timothy Jadon Williams, 23, Riggs Circle — probation violation.
Troy Brock Deal, 37, Pretoria Rushing Road — simple battery.
Kathleen Ann Barber Brannen, 31, Cedarwood Acres Mobile Home Park, Register — bench warrant.
Kayla Ashley Price, 19, Lanes Church Road, Brooklet — bench warrant.
James McMillan Jr., 53, Buie Road, Pembroke — theft by shoplifting.
Kenneth Franklin Keel, 51, Settlement Road, Register — simple battery, obstructing emergency phone calls, obstruction of an officer, disorderly conduct.
Cheryl Evette Shipmon, 39, Great Meadows Road, Lithonia — disorderly conduct, obstruction, theft by taking, public intoxication.
Kyle Edmund Stieber, 21, Roger Drive, Byron — bench warrant.
WOODYARD ROAD —(Brooklet) A woman said someone tampered with her Facebook account and posted statuses appearing as if it were her doing so.
GENE WALDEN ROAD — (Register) A woman said a man known to her stole a hand gun and sold it to another acquaintance for $75. Witnesses were listed in reports.
BRANNEN HODGES ROAD — (Statesboro) A man reported copper wire stolen from a residence.
BRENDA ROAD — (Portal) A woman reported someone drained all the oil from her 2005 Ford F150. She named a suspect in reports taken for documentation.
GA. 67 — (Statesboro) A man reported the theft of a three-ton air conditioner unit.
LILY STREET — (Statesboro) A woman reported a large pine tree fell during a storm Tuesday and caused extensive damage to a home. While residents were at home when the tree fell, no one was injured.
KENNEDY BRIDGE ROAD — (Register) A tree fell on a house during Tuesday’s storm, causing significant damage. No injuries were reported.
Information temporarily unavailable from GSP.
Rogers William Bernard Washington, 20, Statesboro Place Circle — DUI, possession of marijuana, failure to maintain lane and headlight requirements.
Officers issued six traffic warnings and responded to one alarm.
911 Law Enforcement
Central 911 dispatchers issued the following calls Tuesday:
Bulloch County Sheriff's Department — 22 calls.
Statesboro Police Department — 22 calls.
University Police Department — no calls.
Georgia State Patrol —four calls.
Candler County Sheriff's Department — 20 calls.
Evans County Sheriff's Department — seven calls.
Brooklet Police Department — two calls.
Portal Police Department — one call.
911 Fire Department Reports
Central 911 dispatchers issued the following calls Tuesday:
Statesboro Fire Department — three calls.
Bulloch County Volunteer firefighters — seven calls.
Metter Fire Department — seven calls.
Claxton Fire Department — two calls.
Metter Rescue — one call.
911 EMS Reports
Central 911 dispatchers issued the following calls Tuesday:
Bulloch County EMS — one accident call and 13 medical calls.
Candler County EMS —one accident call and four medical calls.
Evans County EMS — six medical calls.
Central 911 dispatchers also routed the following calls Tuesday:
Bulloch County First Responders — five calls.
Emanuel County 911 —one call.
Bulloch County Correctional Institute — five calls.
Effingham County 911 — one call.
Tattnall County 911 — one call.
Georgia Power — four calls.
Excelsior EMC — four calls.
Effingham County 911 — one call.
Georgia Forestry (Bulloch) — one call.
— compiled by Holli Deal Bragg
Police Report 8-11-11; TURNER STREET A woman reported a tree limb fell on her car.