Note: All information included in this report is taken from law enforcement incident reports and arrest records, which are public records and available for review at any and all local law enforcement agencies. Not every arrest leads to a conviction. Guilt or innocence is determined by the court system.
Evi Hernandez, 21, Langston Chapel Road — leaving the scene of an accident and driving without a license.
Devan Allingham, 22, Ga. 46 West, Metter — speeding, suspended license, no tag, wanted person.
PLATINUM LOUNGE — Officers responded to a report of shots fired in the parking lot. Witnesses said a man fired two shots in the air and left in his car.
BROAD STREET — A man was taken by EMS to the hospital after a group of men he said he did not know entered his home and punched him in the face.
MINCEY STREET — A man and woman argued over living arrangements.
CAMPUS CROSSINGS — Someone broke into an apartment and damaged three doors.
BUFFALO’S — The restaurant manager was cited for a noise violation.
MILLHOUSE STEAKHOUSE — The restaurant manager was served a warning for a noise violation.
CAMBRIDGE AT SOUTHERN — A man told police an intruder broke in through a bedroom window and tried to get into the rest of the apartment, but the complainant held the door so the intruder could not get out of the bedroom. The intruder then locked the bedroom door and escaped out the window.
No arrests filed Tuesday.
GA. 46 — (Statesboro) A man reported someone broke into four storage buildings on his property.
MARTIN SWINSON ROAD — (Ellabell) A man said someone opened a Master Card account in his name without permission.
BANKS DAIRY ROAD — (Statesboro) Deputies sought a gray or green van after a resident reported three suspicious men soliciting carpet cleaning services.
BAYGALL ROAD —(Statesboro) A man reported being harassed by phone and text by a former employee.
DOLLAR GENERAL — (U.S. 301 South, Statesboro) A woman left a purse on a shelf, then returned to find $65 and a credit card missing.
DUI — Michael James Greye, 25, Pooler — .086 grams.
Seat belt citations — three.
Child restraint citations — none.
Speeding citations — seven.
Total citations — 11.
Crashes investigated —none.
Fatalities reported —none.
Total vehicle stops — 16.
Seat belt warnings —three.
Child restraint warnings — none.
Speeding warnings — five.
Total warnings issued — 15.
Wanted persons apprehended — none.
Stolen vehicles recovered — none.
Road checks performed — none.
Motorists assisted — none.
Miles patrolled — 737.
Melissa Halle Stewer, 18, Bellingham Drive, Augusta-underage possession of alcohol and possession of a false I.D.
Jason L. Legrand, 18, Quaker Spring Road, Augusta- underage possession of alcohol.
Officers issued one traffic citation, four traffic warnings, assisted one motorist and responded to two alarms Tuesday.
911 Law Enforcement
Central 911 dispatchers issued the following calls Tuesday:
Bulloch County Sheriff's Department — 12 calls.
Statesboro Police Department — 13 calls.
University Police Department — no calls.
Georgia State Patrol — one call.
Candler County Sheriff's Department — eight calls.
Evans County Sheriff's Department — one call.
Claxton Police Department — one call.
911 Fire Department Reports
Central 911 dispatchers issued the following calls Tuesday:
Statesboro Fire Department — five calls.
Bulloch County Volunteer firefighters — three calls.
Metter Fire Department — one call.
911 EMS Reports
Central 911 dispatchers issued the following calls Tuesday:
Bulloch County EMS — one accident call, one fire call and nine medical calls.
Candler County EMS — three medical calls.
Evans County EMS — two medical calls.
Central 911 dispatchers also routed the following calls Tuesday:
Bulloch County First Responders — one call.
Bryan County 911 — two calls.
Georgia Forestry Commission — one call.
compiled by Holli Deal Bragg
Police Report 7-21-11 - PLATINUM LOUNGE Officers responded to a report of shots fired in the park