Note: All information included in this report is taken from law enforcement incident reports and arrest records, which are public records and available for review at any and all local law enforcement agencies. Not every arrest leads to a conviction. Guilt or innocence is determined by the court system.
Eric Christopher Jones Jr., 19, Pineview Road — second offense driving with a suspended license, stop sign violation.
Justin Edward Huber, 26, Norwood Drive — criminal trespass.
Gregory D’vonte Byrd, 19, South Peter Street, Claxton — probation violation.
MULBERRY COURT — A woman reported the theft of a Playstation 3 and cell phones.
SOUTH COLLEGE STREET — When a woman took a man’s keys to prevent him from driving drunk, he tore the rear view mirror off the car and threw it through her bedroom window.
CINDY LANE — A woman struck a man twice in the eye during an argument over money.
STATESBORO MALL — A man called police after finding someone had damaged his steering column and ignition in an apparent attempt to steal the beige 1999 Honda Accord.
EAST GEORGIA REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER — A man reported rods and reels taken from a vehicle.
DOLLAR GENERAL/NORTHSIDE DRIVE WEST — A man was caught on video shoplifting several clothing items. A clerk viewed the video after watching the man act suspiciously.
Joshua David Ehret, 28, Windchime Lane, Brooklet — sale of a Schedule II Controlled Substance, probation violation.
Joni Laurel Knight, 30, U.S. 80 East, Brooklet —sale of a Schedule II Controlled Substance.
CORRECTION: BRANNEN FARM ROAD — (Statesboro) A man reported his horse barn was entered by an unknown person, who scattered feed, tools and equipment. Nothing was reported missing.
CLUB ROAD — (Clito) A woman reported the theft of two air conditioner units.
BEN GRADY COLLINS ROAD — (Portal) A man reported the theft of mobile home axles.
Seatbelt citations — none.
Child restraint citations — none.
Speeding citations — four.
Total citations — four.
Crashes investigated —two.
Fatalities reported — none.
Total vehicle stops —eight.
Seatbelt warnings — none.
Child restraint warnings — none.
Speeding warnings — three.
Total warnings issued —three.
Wanted persons apprehended — none.
Stolen vehicles recovered — none.
Road checks performed — none.
Motorists assisted — none.
Miles patrolled — 166.
Officers issued six traffic citations Thursday.
Officers issued one traffic warning, assisted one motorist and responded to two alarms Thursday.
NURSING/CHEMISTRY BUILDING — Someone reported the theft of a wallet and a cell phone.
HERTY BUILDING — A bicycle was taken from the bike rack.
RUSSELL UNION — A bicycle was taken from the bike rack.
911 Law Enforcement
Central 911 dispatchers issued the following calls Thursday:
Bulloch County Sheriff’s Department—13 calls.
Statesboro Police Department—29 calls.
University Police Department — no calls.
Georgia State Patrol — five calls.
Candler County Sheriff’s Department — seven calls.
Evans County Sheriff’s Department — four calls.
Claxton Police Department — one call.
Brooklet Police Department — one call.
911 Fire Department Reports
Central 911 dispatchers issued the following calls Thursday:
Statesboro Fire Department —four calls.
Bulloch County Volunteer firefighters —six calls.
911 EMS Reports
Central 911 dispatchers issued the following calls Thursday:
Bulloch County EMS —one accident call, one fire call and 17 medical calls.
Candler County EMS —four medical calls.
Evans County EMS —four medical calls.
Central 911 dispatchers also routed the following calls Thursday:
Bulloch County First Responders —eight calls.
Bulloch Humane Enforcement — one call.
Air Evac — one all.
Toombs County — one call.
Excelsior EMC — one call.
Candler County Coroner — one call.
Bulloch County Coroner — one call.
— compiled by Holli Deal Bragg.
Police Report - 6-18-11; CLUB ROAD (Clito) A woman reported the theft of two air conditioner units