Note: All information included in this report is taken from law enforcement incident reports and arrest records, which are public records and available for review at any and all local law enforcement agencies. Not every arrest leads to a conviction. Guilt or innocence is determined by the court system.
➤ Bulloch County Sheriff’s Office
▲ Elgie Raymond, 62, Augusta Avenue, Savannah — two counts felony probation violation.
▲ Jonathan Reid Campen, 38, Otto Drive, Midway — felony bench warrant.
▲ Jason Anthony Mikell, 40, Owens Road, Pembroke — probation violation.
▲ Javon Antoine Peters, 21, Anderson Street, Reidsville — probation violation.
➤ Statesboro Police Department
▲ Ahmad Tashaud Boykin, 18, Brinson Road, Brooklet — criminal trespass.
▲ Benjamin Alan Dent, 30, Garden District Apartments — battery/family violence.
➤ Georgia State Patrol Post 45
▲ Anthony Terrill Mikell, 28, Old Stagecoach Road — suspended license, speeding, suspended registration, tag light violation.
➤ Bulloch County Sheriff’s Office
▲ GO BAR LANDING — A woman spoke with deputies concerning a civil matter involving a former tenant of her daughter’s property.
▲ SHUMAN ROAD — Two juveniles fighting at Marcella’s Group Home were arrested, then returned to the facility pending action by the Department of Juvenile Justice.
▲ AGGIE’S LANE — Someone reported the theft of a trolling motor.
▲ ROCKY FORD ROAD — Several people were involved in an argument that started when a man used a vulgar word in reference to dogs in a yard. This sparked several obscene comments from various people, who all thought the curse words were being directed at them. The dispute involved a separation between a man and woman, the man’s cousin, and a long-standing argument over land and children’s welfare.
▲ RAINDROP DRIVE — Deputies investigated a burglary. A woman said a total of $70 cash was taken.
▲ MODEL T LANE — A man who had been killing snakes accidentally shot his hand with his .22 rifle when he went to put it away. Deputies spoke with him at the hospital, where he went for treatment.
▲ ELDORA ROAD — A man arrested for battery did not cooperate with deputies when he was taken into custody. He was also charged with obstruction.
▲ BREAM ROAD — A woman told deputies a man stopped in the road, yelling obscenities in front of her children.
➤ Statesboro Police Department
▲ THE GEORGE APARTMENTS — Officers responded to a call listed as a theft of a cellphone but described in narratives as a suspicious activity.
▲ HARVEY DRIVE — Police responded to a reported domestic dispute and found the argument was only verbal in nature.
▲ SAVANNAH AVENUE — A woman said her mailbox had been torn from its post.
▲ ST. CHARLES PLACE APARTMENTS — A woman said she was struck by a person who also took her cellphone.
▲ THE GARDEN DISTRICT APARTMENTS — Someone was arrested after officers responded to a physical altercation.
➤ Georgia Southern University Police
▲ Officers issued no traffic citations and no traffic warnings and assisted two motorists.
➤ Law Enforcement Agencies
▲ Brooklet Police Department — one call.
▲ Bulloch County Sheriff’s Office — 20 calls.
▲ Candler County Sheriff’s Office — five calls.
▲ Claxton Police Department — one call.
▲ Evans County Sheriff’s Office — four calls.
▲ Georgia State Patrol — seven calls.
▲ Metter Police Department — two calls.
▲ Statesboro Police Department — 21 calls.
➤ Fire Departments
▲ Bulloch County Fire Department — three calls.
▲ Statesboro Fire Department — two calls.
➤ Emergency Medical Services
▲ Bulloch County EMS — two accident calls, four first-responder calls, one rescue call and 27 medical calls.
▲ Candler County EMS — one accident call and one medical call.
▲ Evans County EMS — two medical calls.
➤ Calls to Other Agencies
▲ 911 hang-ups — 31 calls.
▲ Air Evac — one call.
▲ Bulloch County Humane Enforcement — one call.
▲ Emanuel County 911 — one call.
▲ Tattnall County 911 — one call.
— compiled by Holli Deal Saxon