Note: All information included in this report is taken from law enforcement incident reports and arrest records, which are public records and available for review at any and all local law enforcement agencies. Not every arrest leads to a conviction. Guilt or innocence is determined by the court system.
Statesboro Police Department
Lisa Gayle Clark, 57, St. Devon Way, Duluth - DUI/less safe/drugs, failure to maintain lane, marijuana possession.
Kerrick Alexander Heggs, 24, Mell Lane, Louisville - marijuana possession.
Ajza Jacqui Irving, 21, South Main Street - DUI, headlights violation.
Carl Jennard Kennedy, 23, Beaver Creek Drive - DUI.
Tyler Clinton Osborne, 17, Deloach Church Road, Nevils - theft by shoplifting.
Yesena Roman, 18, Bethel Church Road - failure to obey traffic device, driving without a valid license, hit-and-run.
Michael Latarance Bellamy, 45, Highway 80 East - probation violation.
Joshua Michael Blakely, 26, Watering Hole Court - DUI, driving without a license, failure to maintain lane.
Kayla Marie Edwards, 20, Persimmon Path - DUI under 21, headlights violation.
Tamara Michele Hancock, 27, East Main Street - theft by shoplifting.
Sarah Dejean Hufft, 19, Georgia Avenue - unlawful use of wireless devices, DUI/less safe, failure to maintain lane.
Boris Jerkovic, 18, Ash Hill Drive, Alpharetta - DUI under 21, following too closely.
Titania Alicia Ortiz-Escobar, 18, Smoke Hill Lane, Hoschton - underage possession of alcohol.
Jacorey Jacquis Perkins, 20, Frink Road - underage possession of alcohol, second-degree criminal damage to property, criminal trespass.
Kyle Matthew Ricks, 23, Egypt-Ardmore Road, Springfield - DUI, speeding.
Deonte Demario Will, 25, Aspen Heights Apartments - DUI, obstruction, failure to maintain lane.
Taylor Jordan Wydra, 26, North Kennedy Street, Metter - DUI.
Bulloch County Sheriff's Office
Russell David Damron, 35, Buie Driggers Road, Brooklet - battery (family violence), simple assault (family violence), obstruction, disorderly conduct.
Brian David Lewis, 43, Leopard Lane, Savannah - suspended license, no insurance.
Kemual Jahvon Moore, 22, Beaver Creek Drive - theft of lost or mislaid property.
Paul Ortez Demond Polk, 40, Lockett Drive, Register - simple battery (family violence).
Latasha Nicole Tompkins, 30, Lanier Drive - giving false information, suspended license, child seat belt violation.
Peyton Parks Burke, 18, Overlook Pass, Dacula - DUI.
Charles Henry King, 20, Deloach Church Road, Claxton - marijuana possession, failure to use a signal, tag lights violation.
Kelvin Derrell Roberts, 20, Holly Hill Drive, Decatur - possession of drug-related objects; sale, manufacture, delivery or possession of dangerous drugs.
William Roger Rooker, 48, Ray Fetzer Road, Guyton - DUI, improper stopping in roadway, open container, obstruction.
Shannon Arthur Summerlin, 26, Georgia Avenue - driving without a valid license, expired registration.
Patrick Wade Williams, 26, Alice Street, Waycross - felony probation violation.
Georgia Southern University Police
Dakota Charles Beasley, 18, Georgia Avenue - underage possession of alcohol, possession of a false ID.
Blake Ron Berry, 18, Knight Drive - pedestrian under the influence.
Natalie Christa Bryan, 19, Rucker Lane - underage possession of alcohol, possession of a false ID.
Maggie Abigail Foster, 20, Rucker Lane - underage possession of alcohol, possession of a false ID.
Kirk Lydell Williams, 44, Lanier Drive - suspended registration.
Mario Laurent Leone, 19, Bruiser Boulevard - underage possession of alcohol, possession of a false ID.
Georgia State Patrol Post 45
Jarrod Kennethe Rickman, 22, Bruiser Circle - disorderly conduct.
Joyce Ann Jones, 59, Foggy Field Road, Millen - DUI, following too closely.
Statesboro Police Department
WILDWOOD CIRCLE - Someone reported the theft of liquor, cigarettes and unendorsed money orders.
FAMILY DOLLAR/VETERAN'S PLAZA - Someone shoplifted a $4 bar of deodorant.
WAL-MART SUPERCENTER - Someone shoplifted over-the-counter or prescription drugs by concealing them and leaving without paying.
Bulloch County Sheriff's Office
PLANTATION MOBILE HOME PARK - A man reported going outside, hearing a woman screaming and seeing a large white dog biting her on the leg. He was able to get the dog to let go and run away. EMS transported the woman to a hospital for treatment, and Bulloch County Humane Enforcement was notified of the stray dog.
In a separate incident, a man told deputies that four men came to his home and threatened to harm him and his home.
COWBOY WAY - A man told deputies that another man threatened him with bodily harm and cursed at him because he reported the offender for driving recklessly in the neighborhood. The offender is named regularly in sheriff's incident reports regarding neighborhood complaints.
KYLE SORRELL ROAD - Deputies responded to an argument about a man not paying a woman for beer she bought him. The complainant reported he had a gun. The man did pay for the beer, and deputies learned that the gun had never been brandished or pointed at anyone.
ROBERTS/RAINBOW ROADS - A man who was found slumped over his steering wheel, very intoxicated, cursed deputies and refused to cooperate, so he was arrested for DUI and other charges.
OLD LEEFIELD ROAD - A man reported that rear wheels from his truck, as well as a dirt bike, were stolen. The offender jacked up his truck to steal the wheels and tires.
FLOWER ROAD - Two women fought physically because one woman asked the other to change a CD, and the first woman said she would when the song was over. A physical fight ensued, with each female striking the other, leaving visible injuries. Alcohol was involved, reports stated.
HODGES CIRCLE - A man and woman fought physically because he wanted to go out, and she didn't believe him when he told her where he had been all day. She struck him and hid car keys, he said. She said the man held her down.
BUIE DRIGGERS ROAD - A man, possibly under the influence of alcohol and prescription medicines, physically attacked his father, broke his cellphone and refused to come out of his home when deputies arrived. After several negotiation attempts, deputies cut open a bedroom window screen and deployed a Taser, subduing the offender, who was then arrested, taken to a hospital and then to jail. He continued to be aggressive and was placed in a restraint chair.
LOCKETT LANE - A man and woman engaged in a physical confrontation during a child custody exchange. The woman's fiance became involved as well. One man was arrested.
MIKE BRANNEN ROAD - A woman said another woman shoved her, caused a bruise on her eye and harassed her via social media.
Georgia Southern University Police
Officers issued 16 traffic citations and seven traffic warnings and assisted 10 motorists.
Law Enforcement Agencies
Brooklet Police Department - one call Saturday and one call Sunday.
Bulloch County Sheriff's Office - 26 calls Friday, 16 calls Saturday and 19 calls Sunday.
Candler County Sheriff's Office - seven calls Friday, seven calls Saturday and five calls Sunday.
Claxton Police Department - two calls Saturday and one call Sunday.
Evans County Sheriff's Office - two calls Friday and five calls Sunday.
Georgia State Patrol - eight calls Friday, four calls Saturday and six calls Sunday.
Georgia Southern University Police - one call Friday, one call Saturday and one call Sunday.
Metter Police Department - four calls Friday, three calls Saturday and three calls Sunday.
Portal Police Department - two calls Friday and one call Saturday.
Statesboro Police Department - 29 calls Friday, 31 calls Saturday and 23 calls Sunday.
Fire Departments
Bulloch County Fire Department - four calls Friday and two calls Sunday.
Statesboro Fire Department - three calls Friday, 10 calls Saturday and two calls Sunday.
Evans County Fire & Rescue - four calls Friday, one call Saturday and two calls Sunday.
Metter Fire Department - four calls Friday.
Claxton Fire Department - one call Friday, two calls Saturday and one call Sunday.
Georgia Forestry Commission/Evans County - one call Friday.
Georgia Crisis Hotline - one call Sunday.
Emergency Medical Services
Bulloch County EMS/Friday - four accident calls, four first-responder calls and 18 medical calls Friday; two accident calls and 20 medical calls Saturday; and four accident calls and 24 medical calls Sunday.
Candler County EMS/Friday - two accident calls, one first-responder call and 10 medical calls Friday; six medical calls Saturday; and five medical calls Sunday.
Evans County EMS/Friday - one fire call and nine medical calls Friday, seven medical calls Saturday, and one accident call and five medical calls Sunday.
Other Agencies
911 hang-ups - 51 calls Friday, 60 calls Saturday and 48 calls Sunday.
Air Evac - two calls Friday.
Bryan County 911 - two calls Friday and two calls Sunday.
Emanuel County 911 - one call Friday.
Jenkins County 911 - one call Friday.
Screven County 911 - one call Friday.
- compiled by Holli Deal Saxon