Note: All information included in this report is taken from law enforcement incident reports and arrest records, which are public records and available for review at any and all local law enforcement agencies. Not every arrest leads to a conviction. Guilt or innocence is determined by the court system. Arrest photos are available for viewing at statesboroherald. com/arrests/
Melvin Quinton Youmans, 21, Porter Street, Savannah – failure to maintain lane, DUI.
Ronny Troy Harris Jr., 23. McElrath Street, Sandersville – DUI (refused test), headlight violation, obstruction.
Wilbert Giles Williams, 21, Brampton Avenue – marijuana possession, brake light violation.
Barbara Ann Lawrence, 51, Lovett Street – battery.
Billy James Jones, 42, North Easy Street – noise ordinance violation, DUI.
Latisha Tiante Williams, 23, Dodd Circle – wanted person.
Akilah Tahira Bethea, 22, NW Barnes Street, Atlanta – headlights violation, DUI.
Justin Jyle Schreiner, 22, Boone Street, Kingsland – DUI, failure to maintain lane.
Simone Jahnae Williams, 19, Wonder Valley Trail,
Decatur – DUI, open container, underage possession of alcohol.
JOHNSON STREET – A complainant reported someone stole $2,300 in cash.
BUTLER HOMES – A man and woman fought physically.
RUDE RUDY’S – A customer and bartender argued over what time they would stop serving alcohol.
LOVETT STREET – A woman was arrested for slapping her adult son.
PINE NEEDLE ROAD – A bystander was struck in the head during a fight between others.
HARDEN STREET – A man tore a woman’s shirt, scratched her and stole $375 from her purse during an argument about his going to a club.
WINGS CAFÉ – Police responded to a call about a man breaking a toilet.
PLATINUM LOUNGE – Police witnessed two women trying to pull another woman from a car during a fight.
WALMART – A man took $180 from a clerk in a flimflam move.
UNIVERSITY VILLAGE – A wallet, makeup bags and clothes were stolen from a car.
Rico Santrez Curry, 24, Beasley Road – criminal trespass.
Christopher Jelan Hill, 20, Hunter’s Trace, Lithonia – probation violation.
Lathronda Denise Mincey, 28, West Lake Avenue, Savannah – failure to maintain lane, fleeing/attempt to elude, stop sign violation, child endangerment, suspended license, obstruction, reckless driving.
POJO’S – (Interstate 16 and U.S. 301 South) – A man was arrested when caught smoking marijuana in the parking lot.
GW OLIVER ROAD – (Statesboro) A man reported antiques (Mason jar, lantern, washing pan) stolen.
BILLY MIKELL ROAD – (Statesboro) A man reported someone destroyed a shed on his property.
Information unavailable Tuesday.
Information unavailable Tuesday.
Law Enforcement Reports
Central 911 dispatchers issued the following calls Monday:
Bulloch County Sheriff’s Department- 14 calls.
Statesboro Police Department – 24 calls.
Georgia Southern University Police – no calls.
Georgia State Patrol – five calls.
Candler County Sheriff’s Department – nine calls.
Evans County Sheriff’s Department - seven calls.
Claxton Police Department – no calls.
Fire Department Reports
Central 911 dispatchers issued the following calls Monday:
Statesboro Fire Department – one call.
Bulloch County Volunteer Firefighters – six calls
Metter Fire Department - one call.
Claxton Fire Department – one call.
Emergency Medical Service Reports
Central 911 dispatchers issued the following calls Monday:
Bulloch County EMS - one accident call and 23 medical calls.
Candler County EMS — seven medical calls.
Evans County EMS — three medical calls.
Central 911 dispatchers also routed the following calls Monday: two calls to Bulloch County First Responders, a call to the Bulloch County coroner, a call to Georgia Forestry (Bulloch) and a call to Effingham County 911.
— compiled by Holli Deal