Note: All information included in this report is taken from law enforcement incident reports and arrest records, which are public records and available for review at any and all local law enforcement agencies. Not every arrest leads to a conviction. Guilt or innocence is determined by the court system. Arrest photos are available for viewing at
Joseph B. Collins, 21, Roundtree Street — child molestation, enticing a child for indecent purposes.
Jhelia Simone Cummings, 21, South Main Street — theft by taking.
Gary James Javors, 22, Stambuk Lane — public intoxication, obstruction.
Michael Hughes, 43, Roundtree Street — stop sign violation, marijuana possession.
Brian Joseph Reno, 20, Rogers Court — leaving the scene of an accident, no proof of insurance, DUI (refused test), underage possession of alcohol.
Derek Carlton Spain, 21, Littlebrook Drive, North Springs, Ga. — speeding, DUI.
Cecil Prescott Perkins, 24, East Main Street — obstruction, criminal trespass.
Rickey A. Adkins, 42, Oakwood Drive — suspended license, expired tag.
ROUNDTREE STREET — Police arrested a man charged with molesting 13-year-old girl.
WALMART — A woman shoplifted a hard drive and several GPS units.
HAWTHORNE ROAD — $60 and a cell phone were reported stolen.
RUM RUNNERS — A woman said someone stole her purse.
BUTLER HOMES — A woman said her adult daughter “jumped” her and choked her during an argument over money.
STATESBORO HERALD — A dispute between carriers ended with someone reporting the incident as an armed robbery, but police determined the incident was simply simple battery.
THE COVE AT SOUTHERN — Three victims suffered visible injuries when they reportedly fought a group of 25 unknown suspects.
RUDE RUDY’S — A victim of a fight was treated by EMS at the scene, but offenders were gone upon police arrival.
CAMPUS COSSINGS — A woman reported a silver Acura Integra stolen.
GREENBRIAR APARTMENTS — Police arrested an intoxicated, disorderly man.
CICI’S LOUNGE — The business was closed for occupancy issues (overcrowded) after fire department personnel responded to a fire alarm call. There was no fire.
COBBLERS BENCH — A woman shoplifted several clothing items.
STADIUM PLACE APARTMENTS — A man said an unknown man hit him.
BEST STREET — Someone reported an air conditioner stolen.
PINE NEEDLE ROAD — A man struck another with an air pistol during an argument about one of the men smoking cigarettes. The victim suffered a laceration to the head.
RACKLEY STREET — A 1985 Buick LeSabre, blue, and a silver 1976 Plymouth Volare were reported stolen.
GRENADE STREET — A man found a pistol box, magazine and 9 mm rounds in his truck that were not his.
Dexter Antwan Bennett, 28, U.S. 80 East — battery.
Taylor McBae Burke, 20, Cypress Hollow Court — DUI.
Christopher John Eisenach, 27, Shaw Road, Brooklet — DUI (refused test), expired license.
Joshua Craige Walker, 24, Oak Hill Church Road, Rocky Ford — probation violation.
James Robert Curry, 29, Plantation Mobile Home Park — conspiracy to manufacture methamphetamine.
Crystal Nichole Ridulfo, 23, Ridgewood Drive — conspiracy to manufacture methamphetamine.
James Edward Adams LL, 31, Rountree Street, Portal — third degree cruelty to children, battery on persons 65 or older, second degree criminal damage to property.
Candy Renee Davis, 31, First Avenue, Portal — third degree cruelty to children, battery on persons 65 or older, second degree criminal damage to property.
Thomas James Collins, 51, Pike Road — bench warrant.
MIDDLEGROUND ROAD — (Clito) Someone broke into Neighbor’s Exxon and stole cash and cigarettes. They entered by shattering the front door.
OLD THORN POND ROAD — (Stilson) A man reported the theft of welding cable, tools, and Crown Royal liquor.
MARSH HUNTING PRESERVE — A man told deputies he caught an offender trespassing on his property, via game cameras. He was concerned that there are a lot of hunters on his property and that the offender would be hurt. When deputies warned the offender to stay off the preserve, he said he understood then asked the deputy to get out of his house.
G.W. OLIVER SPUR — A man complained that a neighbor shot at his dog. The neighbor said the dog was attacking his cat. He also expressed concern that the complainant lived in a barn on the neighboring property, but deputies told him the man had a right to do so if he had permission.
(Friday – Sunday)
DUI arrests — Isaac Ofosu Kwabena, 20, Lilburn — DUI (refused test).
Seat belt citations — one.
Child restraint citations — one.
Speeding citations — nine.
Total citations — 18.
Crashes investigated — 12.
Fatalities reported — none.
Total vehicle stops — 29.
Seat belt warnings — seven.
Child restraint warnings — none.
Speeding warnings —nine.
Total warnings — 30.
Wanted persons apprehended — none.
Stolen vehicles recovered — none.
Road checks performed — none.
Motorists assisted — one.
Miles patrolled —1,554.
Officers issued four traffic citations Friday.
Manson Jimmy Simmons, 18, Watson Hall — DUI (drugs) and possession of a drug related object.
Christopher Adam Todd, 21, Breedlove Spring Court, Monroe — interfering with government property and simple battery.
Nancy L. Dyches, 50, North College Street — DUI and failure to maintain lane.
Devin James Chattman, 18, Kennedy Hall — obstruction of an officer.
McClellon Don Cox III, 18, Kennedy Hall — underage possession of alcohol.
John Ellis Haddad, 19, Preserve Drive, Athens — public drunk.
Bradley Charles Taylor, 19, Marvin Avenue — underage possession of alcohol.
Emily Claire Torell, 18, Kennedy Hall — underage possession of alcohol.
FRIDAY — Officers issued two traffic warnings, assisted five motorists, responded to two alarms and investigated one accident.
SATURDAY — Officers issued one traffic warning, assisted one motorist, responded to one sick person and investigated one accident.
SUNDAY — Officers issued one traffic warning, assisted one motorist and responded to three alarms.
SOUTHERN PINES — A verbal altercation was reported.
UNIVERSITY VILLAS – Someone filed a dug complaint. Also, a vehicle window was broken. In separate incidents, someone reported a fight and someone complained of harassment.
EAGLE VILLAGE — Someone complained about drug activity.
FOY BUILDING — A USB drive was stolen.
PAULSON STADIUM — An alcohol violation was reported.
KENNEDY HALL — Someone reported an alcohol violation.
CENTENNIAL PLACE — Several DVDs and video games were stolen.
SOUTHERN PINES — A domestic problem was reported.
WATSON HALL — Some clothes were taken from the laundry room.
Law Enforcement Reports
Reports will be published Wednesday.
— Compiled by Holli Deal Bragg
Police Report 12-6-11 - A man struck another with an air pistol during an argument about smoking