Note: All information included in this report is taken from law enforcement incident reports and arrest records, which are public records and available for review at any and all local law enforcement agencies. Not every arrest leads to a conviction. Guilt or innocence is determined by the court system. Arrest photos are available for viewing at
Statesboro Police, Georgia Southern University, and Georgia State Patrol arrests made Friday through Sunday will be reported Tuesday.
Bulloch County Sheriff’s Office
Shanica Monique Alston, 18, Kennedy Pond Road —financial transaction card fraud.
William Newman Bazemore, 33, Rabbit Hill Road, Richmond Hill — bench warrant.
Marcus Maurice Bryant, 22, Hillcrest Circle, Sylvania — probation violation.
Michael Ryan Burchell, 19, Shelby Street — marijuana possession, possession/use of a drug related object, probation violation.
Maurice Danthomy Hamilton, 31, Morris Street — marijuana possession, possession/use of a drug related object.
Dale Anthony Hills, 53, Metter — bench warrant, giving false identity information.
Ted William Mathenia, 43, Kendrick Road, Brooklet — bench warrant.
Elton Clayton McNamar III, 32, Beasley Road — probation violation.
Xavier Lee Mercer, 19, Wilton Drive — marijuana possession, possession/use of a drug related object, probation violation.
Allan Perkins Jr., 22, U.S. 301 North — no driver’s license, no insurance.
Isaac Prophet II, 30, Hephzibah Keysville Road, Hephzibah — marijuana possession, seat belt violation.
Michelle Ann Tippins, 32, U.S. 80 West, Portal —probation violation.
Carlton Alonzo Toney, 38, Friendship Church Road, Sylvania — wanted person, suspended license.
Willie Marquail Wilson, 20, Youngblood Road —cracked windshield, marijuana possession, possession/use of a drug related object.
Dominique Marquis Wright, 18, Pine Street — probation violation.
Kera Alyse Anderson, 22, Touchdown Drive — simple battery.
Georgina Lorenzo Smoak, 47, Dorsey Clark Road, Sylvania — headlights violation, open container, DUI.
Brooklet Police Department
Tiffany Michelle Dubois, 28, South Easy Street, Statesboro — disorderly conduct, suspended license, and driving in violation of conditions of limited permit
Walter Lee Taylor, 24, Poplar Street, Statesboro —obstruction, speeding.
Patrick Parker, 23, Packinghouse Road, Statesboro, — obstruction.
Statesboro Police, Bulloch County Sheriff, Georgia Southern University, and Georgia State Patrol incidents occurring Friday through Sunday will be reported Tuesday.
Brooklet Police Department
Child restraint — one citation.
Disorderly conduct — one citation.
Driving in violation of limited permit — one citation.
Failure to signal while turning, changing lanes —once citation.
Failure to stop at stop sign — one citation.
Obstruction — two citations.
Seat belt violation —three citations.
Speeding — eight citations.
Suspended license — one citation.
Statesboro-Bulloch County Animal Shelter Reports
The shelter reported the following activity during the week of Nov. 21-27:
Surrendered by citizens — one dog and three cats from county citizens; one dog and one cat from City of Statesboro citizens.
Collected by Humane Enforcement — one dog from county areas; three dogs from City of Statesboro.
Adopted form shelter —two dogs.
Reclaimed by owners — two dogs.
Died at shelter — one dog.
Euthanized — 25 dogs and 10 cats.
Fees collected — $130.
Citations/Warnings —information unavailable.
— compiled by Holli Deal Bragg
Police Report 12-4-11; Euthanized at animal shelter 25 dogs and 10 cats