Note: All information included in this report is taken from law enforcement incident reports and arrest records, which are public records and available for review at any and all local law enforcement agencies. Not every arrest leads to a conviction. Guilt or innocence is determined by the court system. Arrest photos are available for viewing at
Clayton Isaiah Williams, 22, Chandler Road – no proof of insurance, suspended license, suspended registration.
SOUTH MAIN STREET/CICI’S SPORT BAR – A man who urinated on staff members threatened to come back and that he “had something for you” after being asked to leave.
KNIGHT DRIVE – A man said someone called his sister and threatened to harm him if he did not pay money they say he owed. The man said he owed no one. Police called the number of the caller, but the person who answered hung up.
Nikki Marie Alflen, 33, River Court – simple battery.
Elisha Jairus Anderson, 19, West 73rd Street, Savannah – battery.
Herbert Lamar Biggins Jr., 19, West 49th Street, Savannah – bench warrant.
Chasidy Renea Brannen, 25, Sandpiper Drive – robbery, contributing to the delinquency of a minor.
Rebecca Lynn Dixon, 26, Main Street, Garden City – marijuana possession, possession of a Schedule IV drug (Lorazepam), second degree cruelty to children.
Jewel Italy Jackson, 19, East Main Street – theft of services, tampering with a public service provider, probation violation.
Tammy Burchette Keen, 52, U.S. 80 West – criminal attempt to manufacture methamphetamine.
Sabrina Boatwright O’Brien,28, Buchans Road, Pembroke – criminal attempt to manufacture methamphetamine, second degree cruelty to children.
Wylie Edward O’Brien, 29, A.O. Smith Road, Ellabell – suspended license, criminal attempt to manufacture methamphetamine, second degree cruelty to children.
Gary Lynn Strickland, 30, Daisy Nevils Highway, Claxton – possession of methamphetamine with intent to distribute, criminal attempt to manufacture methamphetamine, second degree cruelty to children.
Sarah Yvonne White, 52, Sinkhole Road – theft by taking (pecans), criminal trespass.
NEVILS GROVELAND ROAD – (Nevils) A man said a woman riding in the back of his pickup truck broke the rear window with her hand. She was angry because he had broken up with her.
LIVE OAK LOOP – (Ellabell) A man threw a cup of coffee at a vehicle he said was speeding as it delivered newspapers. The driver backed up and cursed him he said.
AKINS LANE – (Brooklet) A woman reported the theft of two deer stands.
NATURE WAY – (Statesboro) A woman reported neighborhood children were making fun of her special needs son.
BUCHANS ROAD – (Pembroke) A woman reported the theft of a package left by a delivery service.
WESTSIDE ROAD – (Statesboro) A man reported a burglary where up to 1,000 pounds of pecans were stolen.
Information unavailable.
Officers issued 14 traffic citations Thursday.
Garrett Austin Wilson, 18, Kennedy - possession of marijuana.
Nathaniel Roosevelt Abrams, 24, Harvey Drive- DUI and safety restraint violation.
Officers issued four traffic warnings, assisted two motorists, responded to one sick person and investigated three accidents Wednesday.
KENNEDY HALL – Someone reported suspected drug activity.
MPP BUILDING - A purse was reported stolen.
RUSSELL UNION – A jacket was reported stolen.
Law Enforcement Reports
Central 911 Dispatchers issued the following calls Wednesday:
Bulloch County Sheriff’s Department- 19 calls.
Statesboro Police Department- 15 calls.
Georgia Southern University Police- no calls.
Georgia State Patrol- eight calls.
Candler County Sheriff’s Department- six calls.
Evans County Sheriff’s Department- four calls.
Claxton Police Department - one call.
Fire Department Reports
Central 911 dispatchers issued the following calls Wednesday:
Statesboro Fire Department- one call.
Bulloch County Volunteer Firefighters-two calls
Claxton Fire Department- one call.
Emergency Medical Service Reports
Central 911 dispatchers issued the following calls Wednesday:
Bulloch County EMS-two accident calls and 20 medical calls.
Candler County EMS — four medical calls.
Evans County EMS —one fire call and four medical calls.
Central 911 dispatchers also routed the following calls Wednesday: five calls to Bulloch County First Responders, a call to Evans County First Responders, a call to Georgia Forestry Commission, Bulloch County and one miscellaneous call.
— compiled by Holli Deal Bragg.
Police Report 12-2-11; A man reported a burglary where up to 1,000 pounds of pecans were stolen.