Note: All information included in this report is taken from law enforcement incident reports and arrest records, which are public records and available for review at any and all local law enforcement agencies. Not every arrest leads to a conviction. Guilt or innocence is determined by the court system. Arrest photos are available for viewing at
Rico Santreaz Curry, 24, Beasley Road — speeding, expired tag, driving without a license, suspended license.
Aubrey Alan Brown, 49, Southern Living Estates — theft by shoplifting.
Tashi Ayana Jackson, 19, Willow Bend Apartment — theft by shoplifting.
Derevia Victoria Reese, 20, The Cove Apartments — wanted person.
Christopher D. Lawson, 39, Magnolia Street, Claxton — tag violation and suspended license.
THE POINTE AT SOUTHERN — Police are investigating a possible burglary. Someone reported an open door, and furniture and other items had been scattered around in disarray.
BOBBY DONALDSON AVENUE — A man said a woman struck him with a brick.
GREENWOOD AVENUE — A man reported a satellite dish stolen.
WALMART — A woman was arrested after concealing about $100 worth of makeup in her purse.
THE EXCHANGE APARTMENTS — A woman said another woman struck her in the face during an argument.
CAMPUS CLUB APARTMENTS — A woman said her boyfriend damaged a Blu-ray player and struck her. He said she struck him and damaged a laptop computer.
Denzail Jerrico McBride, 19, Deer Run Road — driving without a license.
Jonathan Dewayne Nesmith, 22, Harville Road — probation violation, endangering security interest.
Raymond Waters, 27, Twin Forks Road, Pembroke — reckless conduct, discharging firearms while intoxicated.
Anthony Piaire Collier, 22, Garrison Street, Pembroke — DUI (refused test), marijuana possession.
CODY LANE — (Brooklet) A woman said her son took a washer and dryer from a home he rented from her when he vacated the home.
DRAYTON LANE — (Statesboro) A woman said her husband shoved his chest against hers, put her against a kitchen counter and told her she was not leaving.
JACKSON ROAD — Two women argued over one telling the other who she could date.
Seat belt citations — none.
Child restraint citations — none.
Speeding citations — none.
Total citations — two.
Crashes investigated — three.
Fatalities reported — none.
Injuries reported — seven.
Total vehicle stops — seven.
Seat belt warnings — none.
Child restraint warnings — none.
Speeding warnings — four.
Total warnings issued — six.
Wanted persons apprehended — none.
Stolen vehicles recovered — none.
Road checks performed — none.
Motorists assisted — two.
Miles patrolled — 607.
Officers issued five traffic citations Thursday.
Kerry Lavern Frink, 49, Frink Road — DUI, driving with suspended license, open container violation and failure to maintain lane.
William Aziz Emadi, 19, Lanier Drive — underage possession of alcohol and possession of a false I.D.
Officers issued one traffic warning, assisted three motorists, responded to three injured person reports and investigated one accident Thursday.
COLLEGE OF EDUCATION — A window was broken on a vehicle.
RUSSELL UNION — A purse was reported stolen.
MPP BUILDING — A bicycle was reported stolen.
SIGMA NU HOUSE — Someone complained about loud music.
EAGLE VILLAGE — Someone reported an alcohol violation.
UNIVERSITY VILLAS — Officers responded to a domestic dispute.
Law Enforcement Reports
Central 911 dispatchers issued the following calls Thursday:
Bulloch County Sheriff’s Department- —12 calls.
Statesboro Police Department — 22 calls.
Georgia Southern University Police- — no calls.
Georgia State Patrol — four calls.
Candler County Sheriff’s Department- — two calls.
Evans County Sheriff’s Department — no calls.
Claxton Police Department — no calls.
Brooklet Police Department — one call.
Fire Department Reports
Central 911 dispatchers issued the following calls Thursday:
Claxton Fire Department — one call.
Emergency Medical Service Reports
Central 911 dispatchers issued the following calls Thursday:
Bulloch County EMS — four accident calls and 12 medical calls.
Candler County EMS — four medical calls.
Evans County EMS — one fire call and four medical calls.
Central 911 dispatchers also routed the following calls Thursday: two to Humane Enforcement Bulloch County, one to Air Transport, five to Bulloch County First Responders, and one miscellaneous call.
— compiled by Holli Deal Bragg.
Police Report - 1-28-12; Two women argued over one telling the other who she could date.