Note: All information included in this report is taken from law enforcement incident reports and arrest records, which are public records and available for review at any and all local law enforcement agencies. Not every arrest leads to a conviction. Guilt or innocence is determined by the court system. Arrest photos are available for viewing at
Gilham Hodges Jr., 26, Church Street — wanted person.
Stephanie Ann Littles, 20, Burns Village, Glennville — speeding, no valid driver’s license.
Jennifer Lee, 31, South Main Street — suspended license, tag light violation.
Elias G. Mesones, 32, Savannah Avenue — DUI, failure to stop at a stop sign.
Robbie Williams, 48, Institute Street — wanted person.
Shannon Chadwell Melvin, 23, Railroad Street, Brooklet — wanted person.
Rafael Trejo Estrada, 30, East Hones Avenue — speeding, driving without a valid license, DUI.
Constance Danielle McCastle, 23, Chandler Road — defective headlights, DUI.
Steven Thomas Skaggs, 27, SW Meadow Terrace, Lake city, Fla., - failure to notify owners upon striking an unattended vehicle,suspended license, wanted person, DUI.
Madalyn Marie Russell, 19, Friendship Court, Powder Springs — open container, failure to maintain lane, Dui under 21, underage possession of alcohol.
Daniel Barnard Artis, 47, Smith Street, Metter — possession of a Schedule II drug.
PARK PLACE APARTMENTS — A woman said she awoke to find her e-boyfriend in her bedroom yelling and striking her. He was angry over things he found on her cell phone, and he took her phone before leaving.
PINE DRIVE — A woman who feeds several feral cats said many of the cats are acting ill and she suspects someone poisoned them.
EAGLE COURT APARTMENTS — A woman questioned a man she suspects took $155 from her purse, and he shoved her before leaving.
KMART — A man tricked a clerk into giving him three $20 bills for three $1 bills.
WALMART — A woman who took her son to the store to visit with his child said the child’s mother was rude and disrespectful.
180 FITNESS — A woman reported her purse was stolen from her car. A man reported in a separate incident someone stole a hand gun, small amount of cash and checkbook from his vehicle.
CONE HOMES — A woman was arrested after striking a man during an argument over paying bills.
STADIUM WALK APARTMENTS — Someone reported two bikes stolen.
Nattiel Akeem Campbell, 23, West Jones Avenue — probation violation.
Brian David Gerrald, 41, Five Chop Road — bench warrant.
Gilham Hodges Jr., 26, Church Street — probation violaton child support lockup.
Douglas Dewayne Nesmith, 46, Lake Collins Road, Portal — probation violation.
Cedric Wells, 39, Bay Street — child support lockup.
RAINDROP DRIVE — (Statesboro) A man reported another man damaged sod grass by spinning tires.
MARTIN ROAD — (Ellabell) A woman said her fiance’s ex-girlfriend and two other women came to her house to start a fight with her. They followed her to a store and attacked her, with one puncturing her car tire.
WOODSHOLE CIRCLE — (Statesboro) A man reported damage to a mail box.
WESTBROOKE CONDOS — (Statesboro) Someone stole a Wii, Playstation 3, laptop computer, and two pistols.
LINDA DRIVE — (Statesboro) A water company reported someone used water services illegally for over a year and tampered with the meter.
STERLING COURT — (Statesboro) A woman said her son physically assaulted her during an argument.
Information unavailable Tuesday.
Officers issued two traffic citations Monday.
Aston Blake Ridings, 19, Lee Road, Rocky Ford — DUI, underage possession of alcohol, obstruction of an officer, failure to maintain lane and headlight requirements
Officers responded to one alarm Monday.
PHYSICAL PLANT — Someone reported a harassment case.
Law Enforcement Reports
Central 911 Dispatchers issued the following calls Monday:
Bulloch County Sheriff’s Department — 12 calls.
Statesboro Police Department — 16 calls.
Georgia Southern University Police — no calls.
Georgia State Patrol — one call.
Candler County Sheriff’s Department — eight calls.
Evans County Sheriff’s Department — one call.
Claxton Police Department — no calls.
Fire Department Reports
Central 911 dispatchers issued the following calls Monday:
Statesboro Fire Department — one call.
Bulloch County Volunteer Firefighters — one call.
Metter Fire Department— one call.
Emergency Medical Service Reports
Central 911 dispatchers issued the following calls Monday:
Bulloch County EMS — 17 medical calls.
Candler County EMS — two accident calls and four medical calls.
Evans County EMS —nine medical calls.
Central 911 dispatchers also routed the following calls Monday: one call to Air Transport, five calls to Bulloch county First Responders, and a call to Emanuel County 911.
— compiled by Holli Deal Bragg.
Police Report - 1-11-11; Someone stole a Wii, Playstation 3, laptop computer, and two pistols