Note: All information included in this report is taken from law enforcement incident reports and arrest records, which are public records and available for review at any and all local law enforcement agencies. Not every arrest leads to a conviction. Guilt or innocence is determined by the court system.Statesboro Police ArrestsArrests made Friday through Sunday will be reported Tuesday.Bulloch County Sheriff's ArrestsPatricia Ann Wilson, 62, Ga. 46, Brooklet – felony theft by conversion.James Norman Cannon,30, Heidt Landing, Guyton – tattooing without a permit, tattooing of children, contributing to the delinquency of a minor.Brandon Jerome Holmes, 18, Morris Heights Apartments – operating an unregistered vehicle, no driver’s license.Michael George Ondriezek, 22, Newington Highway, Sylvania – cruelty to children, driving with a suspended license.Dana Lynn Self,39, Salter Durrence Road, Glennville – probation violation.Joshua David Ehret, 28, Windchime Lane, Brooklet – probation violation.Jerome Anthony Davis, 22, Old US 1, Wadley – marijuana possession.Rodney Jason Hall, 44, Railroad Bed Road, Brooklet – theft by taking, probation violation.Eddie Lee Smith, 52, Railroad Bed Road, Brooklet – felony theft by taking, no driver’s license, suspended registration, no insurance, unsecured load, improper u-turn, bench warrant.
May 23 - Patricia Ann Wilson, 62, Ga. 46, Brooklet felony theft by conversion.