Note: All information included in this report is taken from law enforcement incident reports and arrest records, which are public records and available for review at any and all local law enforcement agencies. Not every arrest leads to a conviction. Guilt or innocence is determined by the court system.
Statesboro Police Arrests
* Christina Idell Smith, 20, Stambuk Lane – false imprisonment.
* Wanda Sue Hammerstone, 47, Candy Lane – seat belt violation, no driver’s license, unregistered vehicle, no proof of insurance.
Bulloch Sheriff’s Arrests
* Walter William Dunaway, 46, Bulloch Street – theft by receiving stolen property.
* Samantha Jennifer Burdette, 20, Pioneer Trail, Portal – felony theft by receiving stolen property, theft by deception.
* Anthony Lamar Perkins, 37, Mincey Road, Brooklet – felony theft by taking.
* Melissa Ann Mikell, 26, Hope Baptist Church Road – DUI less safe (alcohol.)
Georgia State Patrol Arrests
* DUI arrests – none.
* Seatbelt citations – none.
* Child restraint citations — none.
* Speeding citations – seven.
* Total citations – 11.
Georgia Southern University Arrests
* Officers issued three traffic citations Wednesday.
* Abdigani M. Abdulahi, 26, Lanier Drive — driving with suspended license and failure to obey a traffic control device.
* Elizabeth Merita Laported, 21, Stambuck Lane — pedestrian under the influence.
Statesboro Police Incidents
* THE EXCHANGE APARTMENTS – Two women were involved in a domestic dispute. One would not allow the other to leave a bedroom, and would not open the door to police. Officers forced their way into the home and arrested the offender.
* CAMPUS CLUB APARTMENTS – A man said his girlfriend knocked several items over, poured bleach on his carpet and poured cooking oil on his counters.
* CLAIRBORNE AVENUE – A man said someone opened a shed, left it open, and his Boston Terrier dog is missing in spite of being confided by an underground electric fence.
Bulloch County Sheriff’s Incidents
* MUD ROAD – (Brooklet) Someone broke into Friendship Baptist Church and stole copper tubing from heaters and a stove.
* GA. 46 – (Statesboro) A woman reported seats and $56 stolen from a van.
* GA. 119 – (Stilson) Air and heating units were stolen from a church.
* CASSIE REE ROAD – (Statesboro) An edger, trimmer and two blowers were reported stolen.
Georgia State Patrol Incidents
* Crashes investigated – two.
* Fatalities reported – none.
* Total vehicle stops — 16.
* Seatbelt warnings – none.
* Child restraint warnings – none.
* Speeding warnings – four.
* Total warnings issued – 10.
* Wanted persons apprehended – none.
* Stolen vehicles recovered – none.
* Road checks performed – three.
* Motorists assisted – none.
* Miles patrolled – 371.
Georgia Southern University Incidents
* Officers issued one traffic warning, assisted four motorists, responded to a report of harassment at the Russell Union, responded to a report of domestic violence at Southern Courtyard and investigated two accidents Wednesday.
Central 911 Reports
Central 911 dispatchers issued the following calls Wednesday:
* Bulloch County Sheriff’s Department — seven calls.
* Statesboro Police Department — 14 calls.
* University Police Department – two calls.
* Georgia State Patrol – four calls.
* Candler County Sheriff’s Department – seven calls.
* Evans County Sheriff’s Department – three calls.
* Claxton Police Department – one call.
911 Fire Department Reports
Central 911 dispatchers issued the following calls Wednesday:
* Statesboro Fire Department – two calls.
* Bulloch County Volunteer firefighters — nine calls.
* Metter Fire Department – three calls.
911 EMS Reports
Central 911 dispatchers issued the following calls Wednesday:
* Bulloch County EMS – one fire call and 16 medical calls.
* Candler County EMS – three medical calls.
* Evans County EMS – one accident call and one medical call.
* Central 911 dispatchers also routed the following calls Wednesday: six calls to Georgia Forestry two calls to Emanuel County 911, and a call to Bryan County 911.
— compiled by Holli Deal Bragg