When long time friend Julian Deal called to let me know the passing of Francis Allen, the Barissister of Bulloch, it brought back those early days when he, Clem Raith, Everett Williams, Cholly Robbins, Hal Averitt, Ed Eckles and on and on, sat down and hammered out the “reasonable and sound cause” for the GSU Foundation.
The late 60s and the forward march of the 70s under the fine leadership of President Pope Duncan is that of which I recall.
Today, GSU celebrates mighty achievements through its foundation.
The parade is large and the pageantry is grand.
Having cradle the phone from the call of Julian’s, I remember late night visits with Francis and Dr. Albert Deal, fine surgeon, in the corner of the American Legion food center snuggled on 301 South, as these two talked about “one day.”
That “one day” is here. It is monumental in stature.
But those who lead today, move slowly about the corner stone of your structure and listen and you will hear those distant voices talking about “the future of Southern”
Francis Allen epitomized the firm hand, the strength of mind, as a member of the aforementioned parade of individuals.
Now and then, let us have a roll call of these who set forth the signal, that state allocations would meet the needs but not the dreams.
Ric Mandes