Macey Lynn Macey Lynn was born to Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Martin Iler of Pembroke July 7 at East Georgia Regional Medical Center. The mother is the former April Kay Rollins.Caidence Nicole Caidence Nicole was born to Crystal Nicole Brown and LaCollie Marque Gordon of Twin City July 7 at East Georgia Regional Medical Center.Riley Michelle Riley Michelle was born to Mr. and Mrs. Larry Gene Holman Jr. of Statesboro July 7 at East Georgia Regional Medical Center. The mother is the former Vanesia Danyale Walker.Madelyn Grace Madelyn Grace was born to Mr. and Mrs. Barwick Jamaal Hendrix of Metter July 7 at East Georgia Regional Medical Center.
Dustin Ryan was born to Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Gary Doyle Sr. of Sylvania July 9 at East Georgia