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Rodeo returning to Bulloch for third year
Popular 'Pork Chop' to perform again
Danny Hedrick, owner/operator of the Hedrick Rodeo Company, removes the bucking strap from a runaway bronc during the bareback competition during the 2011 rodeo at the Kiwanis Ogeechee Fairgrounds.
Bulls, broncs and world champion riders will come to town in April as the Statesboro Kiwanis Club invites Hedrick Rodeo back for the third year in a row.While owner Danny Hedrick doesn’t usually offer the same show twice in a row at the same location, he makes an exception this year because folks requested a return of Pork Chop the clown, known as “The Biggest Little Man in Rodeo.”The 4-foot-tall comedian brought lots of laughs last year when the rodeo came to town. The year before, the first year Hedrick brought rodeo to Statesboro, Rusty McCrae wowed the crowd with his antics.Having the same show two consecutive years “is not normally done,” Hedrick said Thursday as he visited Statesboro to prepare for the April 5 and 6 shows. “We try to keep things different because we want to be so different (year to year) that people come to see what’s new,” he said.While Pork Chop, who will be married a week before the Statesboro rodeo, plans to return, the rest of the rodeo show will be different from years past, Hedrick said.The bulls and horses will be different, and the other performances, including trick riding, will be new.Last year Hedrick’s son and daughter performed riding tricks, but this year his wife, Jessica Hedrick, will control three horses in an unusual Roman riding exhibition.Tickets will be on sale son at Anderson’s General Store and via, said Statesboro Kiwanis Club member and rodeo chairman Don Poe.Tickets will be $12 in advance and $15 at the gate, and 4,000 will be available.The first year the club held the rodeo, both shows played to a sellout crowd.
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