Note: All information included in this report is taken from law enforcement incident reports and arrest records, which are public records and available for review at any and all local law enforcement agencies. Not every arrest leads to a conviction. Guilt or innocence is determined by the court system.
Reports from Friday through Monday will be published Wednesday due to space restraints.
Traveion Jaumoro Weaver, 28, East Olliff Street — probation violation.
Darrin Jameason Lowery, 17, Old River Road — underage possession of alcohol, possession of alcohol on or near a public school.
Steven Richard Ebeling Jr., 29, J.M. Royal Lane — battery, obstruction.
Douglas James Johnson, 42, Moore Road, Portal — battery (family violence).
Kindra Kalynn Lanier, 28, Cliponreka Road — driving with a suspended license, failure to maintain lane, DUI.
Chasidy Renea Brannen, 24, Sandpiper Drive — contributing to the delinquency of a minor, obstruction.
Octavion Devon Rich, 24, Kennedy Bridge Road, Register — obstruction, public intoxication, disorderly conduct, theft by taking.
Jimmy Napoleon Williams, 60, Pamela Way — bench warrant.
Joseph Michael Proctor, 26, Alcott Drive, Swainsboro — probation violation.
Eric Andre Warren, 24, U.S. 30 North — terroristic threats, assailing/opposing/resisting officer in a penal institution.
Benjamin Ryan Meeks, 17, Woodpecker Trial, Guyton — DUI under 21, failure to maintain lane.
Charles Burnell Deloach, 47, Tom Pike Road, Hagan — DUI (refused test), open container, no tag, suspended license, habitual violator, failure to maintain lane.
Leisa Marie Lane, 31, Chandler Road — probation violation.
William Anthony Arnold, 54, Old Flat Ford Road, Brooklet — obstruction, possession of a firearm by a convicted felon.
Bryan Paul Brannen, 30, Mike Akins Road — DUI.
Charles Lester Bennett Jr., 40, Metts Road — probation violation.
Johnny Lee Hagins Jr., 28, Cedarwood Acres — suspended license.
James Joshua Sharpe, 24, Mag Davis Road, Pembroke — bench warrant.
Anthony Jarell Cody, 24, President Circle — probation violation.
Jacob Ryan Smith, 33, Starling Road, Pembroke — probation violation.
Andrew Perry Clay Jr., 19, G.W. Oliver Spur — loitering/prowling, criminal trespass, obstruction.
Jeb Stuart Crosby, 17, Pate Place — underage possession of alcohol.
James Brett Smith, 17, Church Street, Portal — underage possession of alcohol.
Ruel Lewis Jr., 57, Institute Street — theft by deception, theft by receiving stolen property.
Breeanne Holloway, 17, Double Branch Road, Lincolnton — DUI under 21, seat belt violation.
Kristina Marie Chesser, 26, Stillwater Road, Orangeburg, SC — suspended license, no insurance.
Krystal Danielle Griffin, 26, South Walnut Street — probation violation, wanted person.
Christopher Anthony Pochis, 36, Ga. 119, Brooklet — probation violation.
Ricky Lee Waters, 51, Dan Waters Lane — simple battery.
Lloyd Aaron Waters III, 46, South Rogers Street, Pooler — criminal trespass, public intoxication.
Bobby Ray Williams, 54, G.W. Oliver Spur — theft by taking, second degree criminal damage to property, criminal trespass, possession of tools for the commission of a crime, obstruction.
Richard Michael Rogers, 50, McCoy Road, Pembroke — bench warrant.
Keon Renee Farley, 26, Cedarwood Acres Mobile Homes, Register — disorderly conduct.
Alicia Diane Hicks, 30, Berry Hill Road, Columbia, SC — speeding, suspended license, no insurance.
Incident reports unavailable Monday. Incidents occurring Friday through Monday will be reported Wednesday.
Seat belt citations — one.
Child restraint citations — one.
Speeding citations — six.
Total citations — 20.
Crashes investigated — 10.
Fatalities reported — one.
Total vehicle stops — 12.
Seat belt warnings — two.
Child restraint warnings — five.
Speeding warnings — five.
Total warnings — 24 .
Wanted persons apprehended — none.
Stolen vehicles recovered — none.
Road checks performed — one.
Motorists assisted — three.
Miles patrolled — 1,574.
Officers issued two traffic citations Friday, one Saturday and two Sunday.
Hunter Sterling Lyle, 19, Landings Parkway — underage possession of alcohol and possession of a false I.D.
James Alexander Bloodworth, 18, Kennedy Hall — theft by taking.
Kristen Nicole Porche, 18, Centennial Place — underage possession of alcohol.
Crystal Lee Farrow, 22, O’Neal Drive — obstruction of an officer.
Geary Dennis McWhorter Jr., 23, Danielsville Road, Athens — public intoxication.
Landys Carlson Foley, 18, Meadowbrook Trail, Lithonia — obstruction of an officer.
Bradley Chiozie Ifeobu, 19, Kennedy Hall, was charged with obstruction of an officer.
John Taylor Haston, 19, Hidden Lake, Ringold — possession of marijuana, underage possession of alcohol and obstruction of an officer.
Perdthia Dionne Drummer, 26, Roundtree Street — public intoxication and simple battery on a law enforcement officer.
FRIDAY — Officers assisted five motorists, responded to one sick person and responded to four alarms.
SATURDAY — Officers assisted four motorists, responded to four sick persons, responded to four alarms and investigated one accident.
SUNDAY — Officers issued five traffic warnings, assisted five motorists, responded to one alarm and investigated one accident.
I.T. BUILDING — A debit card was taken from a book bag.
EAGLE VILLAGE — Someone reported a vehicle was damaged. Also, someone reported a cell phone and debit card taken.
OLYMPIC BOULEVARD — Officers investigated a noise complaint.
SOUTHERN PINES —Someone lodged a drug complaint.
SOUTHERN COURTYARD — An antenna was taken from a vehicle.
Law Enforcement Reports
Central 911 Dispatchers issued the following calls Friday – Monday:
Bulloch County Sheriff’s Department/Friday — 22 calls.
Bulloch County Sheriff’s Department/Saturday — 18 calls.
Bulloch County Sheriff’s Department/Sunday — 27 calls.
Statesboro Police Department/Friday — 27 calls.
Statesboro Police Department/Saturday — 38 calls.
Statesboro Police Department/Sunday — 33 calls.
Georgia Southern University Police/Friday — two calls.
Georgia Southern University Police/Saturday — no calls.
Georgia Southern University Police/Sunday —one call.
Georgia State Patrol/Friday — six calls.
Georgia State Patrol/Saturday — four calls.
Georgia State Patrol/Sunday — 10 calls.
Candler County Sheriff’s Department/Friday — 17 calls.
Candler County Sheriff’s Department/Saturday — 10 calls.
Candler County Sheriff’s Department/Sunday — 19 calls.
Evans County Sheriff’s Department/Friday — two calls.
Evans County Sheriff’s Department/Saturday — four calls.
Evans County Sheriff’s Department/Sunday — one call.
Claxton Police Department /Friday — no calls.
Claxton Police Department/Saturday — five calls.
Claxton Police Department/Sunday — no calls.
Portal Police Department/ Saturday — one call.
Portal Police Department/ Sunday — two calls.
Brooklet Police Department/Friday — two calls.
Fire Department Reports
Central 911 dispatchers issued the following calls Friday – Sunday:
Statesboro Fire Department/Friday — one call.
Statesboro Fire Department/Saturday — six calls.
Statesboro Fire Department/Sunday — two calls.
Bulloch County Volunteer Firefighters/Friday — no calls.
Bulloch County Volunteer Firefighters/Saturday — one call.
Bulloch County Volunteer Firefighters/Sunday — one call.
Metter Fire Department/Sunday — two calls.
Metter Rescue/Friday — one call.
Claxton Fire Department/Friday — two calls.
Emergency Medical Service Reports
Central 911 dispatchers issued the following calls Friday – Sunday:
Bulloch County EMS/Friday — three accident calls and 15 medical calls.
Bulloch County EMS/Saturday — three accident calls and 17 medical calls.
Bulloch County EMS/Sunday — four accident calls and 17 medical calls.
Candler County EMS/Friday — five medical calls.
Candler County EMS/Saturday — four medical calls.
Candler County EMS/Sunday — two accident calls and three medical calls.
Evans County EMS/Friday — one medical call.
Evans County EMS/Saturday — one accident call and six medical calls.
Evans County EMS/Sunday — one medical call.
Central 911 dispatchers also routed the following calls Friday — a call to Bulloch County First Responders and a call to Emanuel County 911.
Central 911 dispatchers also routed the following calls Saturday — one call each to Air transport, Bulloch County First Responders and Bryan County 911.
Central 911 dispatchers also routed the following calls Sunday — nine calls to Excelsior EMC, a call to Tattnall County 911, a call to Emanuel County 911, eight calls to Bulloch County Correctional Institute, a call to Georgia Power, six calls to Bulloch County First Responders and a call to Air Evacuation.
Compiled by Holli Deal Bragg
Police Report 9-27-11 - An antenna was taken from a vehicle