Note: All information included in this report is taken from law enforcement incident reports and arrest records, which are public records and available for review at any and all local law enforcement agencies. Not every arrest leads to a conviction. Guilt or innocence is determined by the court system.
David Justin Holcomb, 34, Hollow Drive — Possession of marijuana (less than 1 oz.).
ORANGE STREET — A juvenile was arrested for battery and taken to East Georgia Regional Hospital for treatment after an attack on a sibling.
BUCKHEAD DRIVE — A criminal trespass was reported at Luxury Nails. The owner returned to the business to find super glue on the door lock and a key broken off inside the lock.
Tony Lamar Evans, 29, Lovett St. — Speeding, DUI Refusal, Passing in a no passing zone, Fleeing from police, Obstruction, Probation Violation (State and Superior Court).
Jatavier Lenardo Jackson, 31, Columbine Dr. (N. Jacksonville, Fl.) — Sale of Cocaine, Sale of Marijuana.
Romeo Mustafia Bartley, 20, Mewborn St. (Guyton) — Possession of marijuana with intent to distribute, Probation Violation (Bulloch State Court).
Nicholouis Rashad Devine, 20, Lockett Dr. (Resister) — Possession of marijuana with intent to distribute, Probation Violation (Superior Court).
Tony Deshawn Fudge, 34, West 27th St. (Jacksonville, Fl.) — Financial Identity Fraud.
Derrick Jarard Johnson, 23, Holly Springs Circle (Pt. Wentworth) — Possession of marijuana with intent to distribute.
Salathiel Caleb McKinney, 22, Harvey Dr. — Possession of marijuana with intent to distribute.
Mark Edward Durden, 26, Painter’s Alley — Battery.
Danny Nmn Gaines Jr., 24, Clarance Smith Rd. (Ellabell) — Speeding, Suspended Registration, No Driver’s License.
Ashley Lauren Key, 20, Landing Parkway — Battery, Criminal Trespass.
Quentin Lashawn Lanier, 22, Pinemount Blvd. — Probation Violation (Superior Court).
Brian Richmond Mobley, 39, Statesboro Lodge — Aggravated assault upon a peace officer, Disorderly Conduct, Possession of a knife during the commission of a crime.
PINEVIEW DRIVE — Parents called police to report a domestic dispute in which their juvenile daughter became upset and initiated a verbal altercation because onions were included in the family’s stuffing. All parties were calmed and no further action was taken.
SUNSHINE ROAD — A woman reported an unruly juvenile when the offender struck her in the chest. The juvenile hit the woman because she was asked to stop playing a game and take a bath. The juvenile, who said she was mad and did not want to stop playing, was taken into custody.
WHISTLESTOP CIRCLE — A woman called police in reference to a dog bite. She said a large Yellow Lab attacked her dog while on a walk, and bit her forearm while trying to break the fight.
MUDD ROAD — A woman reported a criminal trespass in which an unknown person(s) entered her property and cut several trees down.
MUD ROAD — A criminal trespass was reported at Upper Black Creek Primitive Baptist Church. Evidence of an attempted break-in was discovered on multiple doors and windows.
GORDON SMITH ROAD — (Pembroke) A man reported a criminal trespass when his neighbor, who was afraid that someone would drive too fast and wreck on the roadway, built and installed speed bumps with his tractor. The neighbor was advised that he could not create his own speed bumps.
FORDHAM ROAD — A woman reported a burglary at her residence. Someone broke a window and removed a stereo system, a television receiver box, and a bottle of red wine. The offender also took a game camera.
Reports unavailable Monday.
Officers issued 15 traffic citations over the extended holiday weekend (Wednesday-Sunday)
Sean Austin Beasley, 21, Buck Road (Vidalia) — Public drunkenness.
Kenneth Tyler Huskins, 18, Southern Pines — Possession of marijuana, safety restraint violation.
Officers issued 22 traffic warnings, assisted five motorists, and responded to one alarm Wednesday through Sunday.
911 Law Enforcement
Central 911 dispatchers issued the following calls Friday through Sunday:
Bulloch County Sheriff’s Department — 34 calls
Statesboro Police Department — 63 calls
University Police Department — No calls
Georgia State Patrol — 18 calls
Brooklet Police Department — One call
Portal Police Department — One call
Candler County Sheriff’s Department — 28 calls
Evans County Sheriff’s Department — Eight calls
Claxton Police Department — Two calls
911 Fire Department Reports
Central 911 dispatchers issued the following calls Friday through Sunday:
Statesboro Fire Department — Six calls
Bulloch County Volunteer firefighters — Eight calls
Metter Fire Department — Three calls
911 EMS Reports
Central 911 dispatchers issued the following calls Friday through Sunday:
Bulloch County EMS — Two accident calls, 47 medical calls and one fire call.
Candler County EMS — One accident call, 19 medical calls and one fire call.
Evans County EMS — 12 medical calls.
Bulloch County First Responders — Ten calls.
— compiled by Jeff Harrison
Police Report 11-29-11 - Woman reports dog bite