Note: All information included in this report is taken from law enforcement incident reports and arrest records, which are public records and available for review at any and all local law enforcement agencies. Not every arrest leads to a conviction. Guilt or innocence is determined by the court system.
Calvin Tyrone Smith, 39, Hill Street — probation violation.
Igor Balke Mundabi, 27, chandler Road — suspended license.
Stephanie Martha Walls, 37, Ga. 46 — wanted person, battery.
Robert Bryant Bolder, 22, Wynmeadow Drive, Stone Mountain — probation violation, marijuana possession.
Nicholas Spearman, 23, Pine Needle Road — disorderly conduct.
Emaani Lanier, 17, East Avenue — theft by shoplifting.
Malcolm Carlos Bullard, 24, South Main Street — simple assault, obstructing an emergency phone call.
William Patrick Crawford, 54, Johnny White Road, Nevils — theft by shoplifting.
Kelly Jean Hackle, 41, Institute Street — wanted person.
Sean Michael Valentine, 18, Woodward Avenue Tallahassee, Fla. — theft by shoplifting, underage possession of alcohol.
Hardy Michael Moore, 18, Woodward Avenue Tallahassee, Fla. — theft by shoplifting, underage possession of alcohol.
Charles Bulger, 17, Kelly Road, Bainbridge — underage possession of alcohol, disorderly conduct, public intoxication.
Hunter Aulton Bulger, 20, Kelly Road, Bainbridge — underage possession of alcohol, disorderly conduct, public intoxication.
Michael Leon Deloach, 23, Packinghouse Road — probation violation, failure to appear, criminal trespass.
Willie Evans, 42, Kent Street — wanted person, public intoxication, criminal trespass.
Luis Daniel Cortez, 21, Betz Creek Road, Savannah — too fast for conditions, marijuana possession.
Remigo Gomez, 19, Masonic Street, Millen — no valid license, open container, tail light violation, underage possession of alcohol while operating a vehicle.
Shaunta Latonya Gibson, 24, Eason Street — probation violation, failure to yield, suspended license, child east belt violation, giving false information.
Juwan J. Kelly, 18, Georgia Avenue — marijuana possession.
Rose Magnolia Roberson, 37, Packinghouse Road — theft by shoplifting, handicap parking violation.
FLEMING DRIVE — A male victim said he was standing in the street near Stratford Drive when two males ran past and snatched his wallet containing $9 and Statesboro High football tickets.
JULIA P. BRYANT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL — Statesboro Police Criminal Investigation Division detectives are looking into an incident where a student arrived at school with a facial laceration.
MONTEGO WAY — A person said a door was damaged when someone kicked it.
NASSAU DRIVE — A woman said a female threatened her with bodily harm.
CONE CRESCENT — A woman said her ex-husband stalked her, comes by her house, tampered with her water meter and harasses her by phone.
JAMES STREET — A man said another man threatened him with bodily harm.
EAGLE CREEK TOWNHOUSES — A man reported the theft of a lap top computer, TV and $2.
PACKINGHOUSE ROAD — A woman said her child’s father threatened her by phone.
THE GROVE APARTMENTS — A GPS was stolen from a car.
EAST JONES AVENUE — A man said a woman cut a tire.
Due to space constraints reports for weekend activity will be published Wednesday.
Information unavailable Monday for weekend events. Reports expected to be published Wednesday.
Officers issued six traffic citations Friday, two Saturday and three Sunday.
Zachary Darrell Pruett, 18, Cobb Road, Savannah- DUI, possession of marijuana and headlight requirements.
Michael James Deutsch, 18, address unavailable (Statesboro) — obstruction of an officer.
Xavier Ladonte Washington, 18, Vista Circle- obstruction of an officer.
Matthew Robert Rogers, 19, Williamsport Drive, Norcross — underage possession of alcohol.
FRIDAY — Officers issued five traffic warnings, assisted six motorists and responded to three alarms.
SATURDAY — Officers issued three traffic warnings, assisted three motorists, assisted another agency and responded to three alarms.
SUNDAY — Officers issued two traffic warnings, assisted two motorists, responded to one sick person and one injured person, responded to two alarms and investigated one accident.
CENTENNIAL PLACE – Someone made a drug complaint.
KENNEDY HALL — Another drug complaint was reported.
SOUTHERN COURTYARD — Someone took a bicycle seat from a bike.
PAULSON STADIUM — A windshield was broken on a golf cart.
Law Enforcement Reports
Central 911 Dispatchers issued the following calls Friday – Monday:
Bulloch County Sheriff’s Department/Friday — 17 calls.
Bulloch County Sheriff’s Department/Saturday — 14 calls.
Bulloch County Sheriff’s Department/Sunday — nine calls.
Statesboro Police Department/Friday — 29 calls.
Statesboro Police Department/Saturday — 33 calls.
Statesboro Police Department/Sunday — 26 calls.
Georgia Southern University Police/Friday — no calls.
Georgia Southern University Police/Saturday — one call.
Georgia Southern University Police/Sunday — no calls.
Georgia State Patrol/Friday — eight calls.
Georgia State Patrol/Saturday — three calls.
Georgia State Patrol/Sunday — two calls.
East Georgia College Police/Friday — one call.
Candler County Sheriff’s Department/Friday — four calls.
Candler County Sheriff’s Department/Saturday — five calls.
Candler County Sheriff’s Department/Sunday — nine calls.
Evans County Sheriff’s Department/Friday — two calls.
Evans County Sheriff’s Department/Saturday — two calls.
Evans County Sheriff’s Department/Sunday — three calls.
Claxton Police Department/Friday — three calls.
Claxton Police Department/Saturday — three calls.
Claxton Police Department/Sunday — two calls.
Portal Police Department/Saturday — two calls.
Brooklet Police Department/Sunday — one call.
Fire Department Reports
Central 911 dispatchers issued the following calls Friday – Sunday:
Statesboro Fire Department/Friday — three calls.
Statesboro Fire Department/Saturday — one call.
Statesboro Fire Department/Sunday — two calls.
Bulloch County Volunteer Firefighters/Friday — one call.
Bulloch County Volunteer Firefighters/Saturday — no calls.
Bulloch County Volunteer Firefighters/Sunday — one call.
Metter Fire Department/Saturday — three calls.
Metter Fire Department/Sunday — call.
Emergency Medical Service Reports
Central 911 dispatchers issued the following calls Friday – Sunday:
Bulloch County EMS/Friday — two accident calls and 15 medical calls.
Bulloch County EMS/Saturday — 19 medical calls.
Bulloch County EMS/Sunday — two accident calls and 11 medical calls.
Candler County EMS/Friday — six medical calls.
Candler County EMS/Saturday — six medical calls.
Candler County EMS/Sunday — one medical call.
Evans County EMS/Friday — one accident call and two medical calls.
Evans County EMS/Saturday — two medical calls.
Evans County EMS/Sunday — seven medical calls.
Central 911 dispatchers also routed the following calls Friday: three calls to Bulloch County First Responders, a call to Candler County First Responders and two calls to Emanuel County 911.
Central 911 dispatchers also routed the following calls Saturday: four calls to Bulloch County First Responders, a call to Georgia Forestry/Candler, a call to Bryan County 911 and a call to Emanuel County 911.
Central 911 dispatchers also routed the following calls Sunday: a call to Bulloch County Humane Enforcement, a call to the Candler County coroner, a call to the Bulloch County coroner, two calls to Bulloch County First Responders, a call to Effingham County 911, a call to Emanuel County 911.
— Compiled by Holli Deal Bragg
Police Report 10-11-11 - Man reports theft of electronics and $2