Mrs. Ella Ouise Brannen Deloach McGettiganJoiner-Anderson Funeral Home STATESBORO, Ga. -- Mrs. Ella Ouise Brannen Deloach McGettigan, age 94, died early Monday morning at home under the care of Ogeechee Area Hospice. Ms. Dorothy Carolyn Jones QuinotJoiner-Anderson Funeral Home ELLABELL, Ga. -- Ms. Dorothy Carolyn Jones Quinot, age 70, died Tuesday at Memorial Health. Nancy Lynn SheffieldJoiner-Anderson Funeral Home LIBERTY, S.C. & BROOKLET, Ga. -- Ms. Nancy Lynn Sheffield, 43, of 490 Odell Road, entered peacefully into the presence of her Lord after a long courageous battle with a brain tumor on Tuesday, October 8, 2013, at Rainey Hospice House in Anderson, S.C. To view the full obituary, click on this link:
October 10 - . Ella Ouise Brannen Deloach McGettigan, age 94, died early Monday morning at home unde

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