Mrs. Sybil Cowart AllenJoiner-Anderson Funeral Home & Crematory STATESBORO, Ga. -- Mrs. Sybil Cowart Allen, age 79, died Wednesday, May 17, 2017, at the Ogeechee Area Hospice inpatient facility in Statesboro. Frances Cook DealHodges-Moore Funeral Home STATESBORO, Ga. -- Frances Cook Deal (Mama, Granny, GG, Cookie, Aunt Cookie) passed away on Mother's Day, Sunday, the 14th of May 2017, while living at Carlyle Place in Macon, Ga. To view the full obituary, click on this link:
May 19 - Mrs. Sybil Cowart Allen, age 79, died Wednesday, May 17, 2017, at the Ogeechee Area Hospice

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