On Dec. 4, 1864, Union Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman's March to the Sea was in full swing. Approaching Statesboro that day 150 years ago, "a strong party of mounted foragers from Hazen's division, 15th Corps, on the right of Gen. Sherman's army on its destructive March to the Sea, was attacked by a detachment of Confederate cavalry and driven back to the protection of Hazen's marching column," according to a new historical marker placed Thursday afternoon in exactly the same spot as the original one marking the "Skirmish at Statesboro" was placed. The ground where this took place is today known as Northside Drive West, and the largest landmarks are Food World and a small strip shopping center next to the supermarket.
Musket, cannon fire mark Shermans March
New historical marker commemorating 'Skirmish at Statesboro' replaces original

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