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Local woman doing national service
Armel now completing third year with AmeriCorps
AmeriCorps NCCC Cedar 2 Burn 1
Dressed in their firefighting gear, AmeriCorps NCCC team Cedar 2 includes, left to right, back row: Maryann Walbert, Dana Armel, team leader Zak Kahn, Brian Saville, Ilexis Elba; front row: Francisco Rios, Daniel Bossier and Peter Mousseau. - photo by Special
This weekend Dana Armel, 24, from Statesboro, assisted members of a Special Olympics team at the South Dakota State Summer Games. A few weeks ago, she helped with controlled burning of prairie grass and removing invasive species – in other words, weeds – from parklands in Iowa.For 10 months this year, Armel is serving with AmeriCorps, specifically its National Civilian Community Corps, the NCCC or “N-Triple-C.” It’s her second tour with NCCC, and her third year of involvement with AmeriCorps programs.The daughter of Don and Cindy Armel of Statesboro, Dana Armel graduated from Statesboro High School and attended Ogeechee Technical College, where she completed her core classes. She plans to return to Ogeechee Tech to earn an associate degree in culinary arts.“I started AmeriCorps to kind of decide what I really wanted to be, in between majors,” Armel said.It has been a long break from formal studies, but one that has taken her to contrasting parts of a huge country, from the urban heart of Philadelphia to the prairie.She started fairly close to home, with a one-year stint in VISTA, or Volunteers in Service to America, another AmeriCorps program.
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