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Don't pigeonhole me
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        I’ve been here in Statesboro for a little over a year now and – for better or worse – I’m gaining a little bit of local notoriety. It’s made for some fun and entertaining “after-hour” discussions.
        For better, I occasionally get stopped at a local dining or shopping establishments to get complimented on one of my columns, with people offering the occasional “thank you” for my saying things they might be otherwise too sheepish to say. Believe it or not, I actually enjoy these interactions with the public.
        For worse, this inevitably happens on laundry day, when I’m wearing my grubby high school basketball shorts and a religious t-shirt (you know, holey).
        Speaking of holey (views and arguments, that is), I have found that during these impromptu discussions many people have the unfortunate and disturbing impression that I’m altogether unholy, with a flaming, left-ist, lefty, liberally liberal slant.
        I’m not exactly sure where this comes from, especially if you’ve read my previous columns. I never really seen the following positions, which are mine, as liberal: No to national healthcare, reducing the size of the federal government, lowering the tax burden on small and medium sized businesses, abolishment of the income tax, no to the financial industry bailout, reduction of the welfare state, supporting the troops, free markets, free speech, state’s rights, gun rights and property rights.
But I guess people read into my columns what they want to read.
        Wait a second though, I also wrote a couple columns about being against the war and against the way the administration led us into the conflict in Iraq. So, I guess because I’m against the war – and all other things that involve massive government interaction – regardless of my other positions, I’m somehow a die-hard liberal.
        Who knew I was Nancy Pelosi’s secret policy advisor?
         But that’s the tendency of modern American politics. People find that one issue or topic that is near and dear to their hearts and anyone who doesn’t agree with them is either a flaming-liberal or a religious-whack-job conservative, depending upon the position. There seems to be no middle ground.
        Unfortunately, it is not as simple as that, which is what makes this particular presidential election particularly difficult. Neither candidate for me – and for millions of middle-of-the-road Americans which make up a majority of the electorate – satisfies the majority of ideals that we individually stand for. As result, we are forced to vote for the “lesser of two evils,” or the guy who simply conflicts less with our world-view.
        It’s not the best way to pick the leader of your country, but unfortunately that is the system we currently have.
        Regardless of the outcome, it should make for an interesting four years.
        On a different note, I have one final comment for the random man at the Flash store on the bypass: Thank You. On Saturday morning, you went out of your way to step out of line to hold the door open for me when I had my hands full of merchandise. I know it sounds a little silly, but I cannot even tell you how much I appreciate your act of kindness that morning.
        Unbeknownst to you, I was not having a particularly joyous a.m., but your simple act of benevolence that day helped change my overall outlook for the entire afternoon before the GSU/ App. State game. Regardless of the outcome (I’m writing this before the game), a simple gesture gave me more faith in humanity than anything I’ve been exposed to in some time.
        It’s funny because normally I take every opportunity to make fun of Oprah and her (from a man’s point of view) predominately girly slant. But I’ve got to say, I’m on board with her “perform random acts of kindness” bandwagon. It really can make a difference to someone down in the dumps.
        So, thank you, random guy at the convenience store. For one Saturday morning, you temporarily restored my faith in humanity.
        Phil Boyum would like to give a shout out to all the tailgaters in section L-34. I hope you like the popcorn. He can be reached at (912) 489-9454 or by e-mail at
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