The following are among the food service establishments inspected in July by the Bulloch County Health Department. The department scores on a 100-percentile scale. Kitchens are inspected at least every four months and are required to post their score sheets in public. The score and selected comments from health inspectors are included in each report. All eating establishments are located in Statesboro, except where noted. To view all restaurant scores, visit and select Bulloch County.
July 2
➤ Shane's Rib Shack, 1100 Brampton Avenue
▲ Score: 95
Observed food debris and accumulations inside reach-in freezer and cooking equipment. Non-food-contact surfaces of equipment shall be kept free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue and other debris. Correct by 07/05. Observed damaged ceiling vents in cooking area. All physical facilities shall be maintained in good repair. Observed back door with compromised sealing around frame. Outer openings of a food service establishment shall be protected against the entry of insects and rodents. Observed dead pest near ware-washing area. Pests shall be removed from control devices and the premises at a frequency that prevents their accumulation, decomposition or the attraction of other pests. Correct by 07/05. Inspector: Quentin Smith.
July 11
➤ Zoner's Pizza Wings & Waffles, 607 Brannen Street
▲ Score: 88
Observed uncovered food items in walk-in cooler. Store the food in packages, covered containers or wrappings, except for loosely-covered or uncovered containers in which food is being cooled if protected from overhead contamination. Correct by 07/14. Observed ready-to-eat potentially-hazardous products stored past 7-day discard date. Corrected on-site; person in charge discarded food items. Observed debris in bottom of reach-in cooler, pizza oven and shelving in walk-in cooler. Clean non-food-contact surfaces routinely to prevent accumulations. Observed dead pest in reach-in cooler. Corrected on-site; person in charge removed pest. Inspector: Smith.
July 15
➤ Taco Bell #9923, 729 Northside Drive East
▲ Score: 92
Observed soda nozzles with heavy organic build-up. Soda nozzles must be cleaned at a frequency specified by the manufacturer. If absent of manufacturer specifications, then at a frequency necessary to preclude accumulation of soil or mold. Correct by 07/16. Walk-in cooler not sufficient to cool food or hold food below 41 degrees F. Recommend staying out of walk-in cooler until repair takes place. Health department must reinspect cooler before continued use. All cooling units must have an accurate thermometer placed in the warmest part of the cooler. Grout deteriorated/missing in parts of the kitchen. Food debris found under soda station, prep station and fry station. Clean floors/walls/ceilings. Observed mops stored in stagnant water. After use, mops shall be placed in a position that allows them to air-dry without soiling walls, equipment or supplies. Observed heating, ventilating, air conditioning (HVAC) vents with what appears to be condensation and mold buildup. HVAC systems shall be designed and installed so that makeup air intake and exhaust vents do not cause contamination of food, food-contact surfaces, equipment or utensils. Inspector: Aaron Jump.
July 17
➤ Jimmy John Subs, 100 Brampton Avenue
▲ Score: 80
Observed facility without a food safety manager. Obtain a certified food safety manager (CFSM) immediately. Observed black residue around ice chute inside ice machine (by office). Clean ice chute. Observed potato salad being held above 41 degrees F in a reach-in cooler. Corrected on-site; food discarded. Observed reach-in cooler with an ambient temperature of 56 degrees F. Remove all potentially-hazardous foods from unit and have it repaired to cold-hold at 41 degrees F or below. Call the health department and before use for potentially-hazardous foods. Inspector: Konadu.
➤ New Chinese Kitchen Inc., 456 South Main Street
▲ Score: 90
Observed dishes washed and put away without sanitizing step. All dishes must be washed, then rinsed, then sanitized. The 3-compartment sink must be used with one sink detergent, one sink rinse, last sink sanitizer. Then air-dry. Do not rinse sanitizer off. Observed potentially-hazardous foods with no date markings. These foods must be marked to indicate the date or day by which the food shall be consumed on the premises, sold or discarded when held at a temperature of 41 degrees F (5 degrees C) or below. Observed rice scoops stored in stagnant water. Water must be flowing or held at 135 degrees F or above. Observed excessive food debris under prep table at cook line. Inspector: Jump.
➤ Orchid Cuisine, 1525 Fair Road Suite 104
▲ Score: 75
Observed hand-washing station (sushi bar) being blocked by a rice cooker. Corrected on-site; item removed. A hand-washing sink shall be maintained so that it is accessible at all times for employee use. Observed raw chicken and raw beef stored above ready-to-eat Yum Yum sauce. Corrected on-site; items removed. Store foods according to cooking temperature to prevent cross contamination. Corrected on-site. Observed pink organic matter buildup on ice machine baffle. Equipment food-contact surfaces and utensils shall be clean to sight and touch. Observed multiple foods being stored in reach-in coolers without 7-day date-marking for disposal Advised person in charge to throw out foods older than seven days and to date items held over 24 hours. Observed a bucket of carrots being stored on the floor. Corrected on-site; person in charge instructed staff to remove carrots and to use another container for carrots. Observed bowls being used as scoops throughout the facility. Only use scoops with handles. Inspector: Konadu.