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2015 Averitt Legend in the Arts Award winner selected
First Lady Sandra Deal to present award to Betty Foy Sanders
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Betty Foy Sanders will be inducted as a Legend in the Arts during an awards ceremony on Thursday, Sept. 10, at 6 p.m. at the Emma Kelly Theater. - photo by Special
Betty Foy Sanders is a legend in the Georgia art world, especially in Statesboro, and the Averitt Center for the Arts just confirmed that status – she was named as the 2015 Legend in the Arts Award Inductee. The former First Lady of Georgia has led the state in arts creativity and advocacy on many levels. She co-founded the Georgia Arts Council; assisted with the design of the new Governor’s Mansion when her husband, Carl Sanders, was governor; has designed fashionable dresses and hats, gardens and interiors; and is a renowned painter.
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