Feeling chatty? I know I am!
That’s right sports freaks and fanaticals, the Statesboro Herald is moving into the future faster than flying cars and automated vacuum cleaners.
Tonight and every Thursday, at 6 p.m., Eastern Standard Time (1 p.m. Hawaiian), members of the Statesboro Herald sports staff will be live and alive to talk, discuss, argue, debate, thrash out, dispute, hash over and deliberate anything sports. And your invited.
It’s simple. Just surf on over to statesboroherald.com and log in to the Community section of our delicious Web page. If you don’t have a user name yet — what is wrong with you!!! Seriously, that’ll take a few seconds and you’ll be ready to go. Choose something clever like B. Bonds... hmmm better yet how about Barry B?
Once you’re in find The Sports Guys blog. There you can ask questions or respond to comments by replying to the post.
Have questions about Georgia Southern football moving to Division I-Class A? Maybe we have some insider info.
Hear that Statesboro baseball team is pretty good? We might just know if they are.
Wanna know who all the area football teams are playing this fall? Seems we could dig that info up somewhere.
Who’s that next local athlete to make it to the big time? Could be your neighbor.
Curious as to why news reporter Luke Martin is a miserable Cubs fans. Some things are better left unknown.
Anyhoodily doodily, come join us tonight. We’ll talk, we’ll laugh — no big whoop. And since it’s Cheap Shot Thursday (unofficially), feel free to poke fun at those silly sports writers. Who do they think they are anyway?
That’s right sports freaks and fanaticals, the Statesboro Herald is moving into the future faster than flying cars and automated vacuum cleaners.
Tonight and every Thursday, at 6 p.m., Eastern Standard Time (1 p.m. Hawaiian), members of the Statesboro Herald sports staff will be live and alive to talk, discuss, argue, debate, thrash out, dispute, hash over and deliberate anything sports. And your invited.
It’s simple. Just surf on over to statesboroherald.com and log in to the Community section of our delicious Web page. If you don’t have a user name yet — what is wrong with you!!! Seriously, that’ll take a few seconds and you’ll be ready to go. Choose something clever like B. Bonds... hmmm better yet how about Barry B?
Once you’re in find The Sports Guys blog. There you can ask questions or respond to comments by replying to the post.
Have questions about Georgia Southern football moving to Division I-Class A? Maybe we have some insider info.
Hear that Statesboro baseball team is pretty good? We might just know if they are.
Wanna know who all the area football teams are playing this fall? Seems we could dig that info up somewhere.
Who’s that next local athlete to make it to the big time? Could be your neighbor.
Curious as to why news reporter Luke Martin is a miserable Cubs fans. Some things are better left unknown.
Anyhoodily doodily, come join us tonight. We’ll talk, we’ll laugh — no big whoop. And since it’s Cheap Shot Thursday (unofficially), feel free to poke fun at those silly sports writers. Who do they think they are anyway?