You know you've got that award-winning film in you, but you just need a little more time.
Well, a little more than two weeks is all you have left to create your work for the 2016 Statesboro Film Festival. The final deadline for submitting a film is 5 p.m. Friday, April 8. That gives you 12 days to put together or finish production of a film that could earn you recognition as the Best Film winner.
And the Best Film at the 2016 Festival will earn the filmmakers a cash prize of $1,000, as well.
The Statesboro Herald and the Averitt Center for the Arts are teaming up again for the eighth annual festival to find and honor the best locally made films. It is scheduled for 7 p.m., Friday, April 15, at the Averitt Center in downtown Statesboro.
Also, voting for your favorite film will begin after the deadline. All approved films will be available at to view and vote on. People can vote up to 10 times per day from a single URL address.
Voting will begin April 11 and be open through midnight April 14.
Vote totals will not be shown, so the winner can be revealed on the evening of the film festival.
Like the past five years, the festival offers everyone a chance to do what Hollywood does - make your own film.
Event coordinator Matt Bankhead, video producer for and the lead producer for the Studio Statesboro vodcast and the Statesboro Herald Report, encourages aspiring filmmakers to go ahead and finish that film.
"We received several of our best films the last few days before deadline in the past years," he said.
Some of the basic submission rules for the festival include: all films can be no longer than 12 minutes, there is a $15 submission charge prior to April 1, $18 after April 1 and, again, the deadline to submit a film is 5 p.m. Friday, April 8.
All rules and information about the festival can be viewed at - the festival's official website.
The winning film and other submitted films will be shown at the 2016 Statesboro Film Festival on April 15.
Light refreshments will be served prior to the Festival and Millhouse Steakhouse will cater the intermission.
Tickets for the Festival are $5 and can be purchased at the Averitt Center box office, the Statesboro Herald office or by calling (912) 212-2787.
The 2016 Statesboro Film Festival is sponsored by the Statesboro Herald, the Averitt Center for the Arts, Millhouse Steakhouse, Gailey Trophy and Connect Statesboro.
Win $1,000 at Statesboro Film Festival
Entry deadline is April 8; annual event is April 15
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