Sallie Zetterower Elementary School students recently became presenters and teachers.
Last week in Atlanta, students from Sallie Z. demonstrated to legislators and State School Superintendent Kathy Cox the positive impact that technology funding is having on instruction in their school. During the Capitol Tech event, Sallie Z. and 13 other Georgia schools shared their educational, multimedia projects and showcased how teachers and students collaborate during lessons and effectively infuse technology into the teaching and learning process.
“The students, teachers and administrators were excited for legislators to see first hand how technology increases student achievement and helps build community partnerships,” said Principal Todd Williford.
Capitol Tech spotlights students using fundamental technology tools necessary to succeed in the 21st century, and it is a collaborative effort between Georgia schools and the state’s Educational Technology Centers (ETC).
The First District ETC, located at First District RESA in Brooklet, is one of 13 such centers across the state, and it currently has a staff of three educational technology professionals who work with school districts in this area to improve and promote research-based methods of instruction with teachers. They also help emphasize the integration of multiple technologies to enrich curriculum, effective uses of technology to increase school productivity, and distance learning to provide opportunities that would otherwise be inaccessible.
Sallie Z. students shine at Capitol Tech

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