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New Police Station almost complete
Statesboro Police Department detectives Terry Briley, lower right, Tommy Brown, and Keith Holloway, standing, share a small office at the present police station, which was originally designed to house a staff of about 20 officers. The roster currently stands at 64.
From his office window, Statesboro Police Chief Stan York can look across the road and see the progress of the new police station that will soon be completed.
    "You always hear the saying that you can see the light at the end of the tunnel," York said. "We're seeing the light, and not just a small light. It's gone from a flashlight to a floodlight as we look every day. We're excited."
    The building, is approximately 80 percent complete and City Manager George Wood said he hopes to be in the building by "June or July." The current police station will then be renovated to house the municipal courtroom and offices as well as the police department's physical training room.
    York said the current facility has been overcrowded for nearly a decade and they are in desperate need of space.
    "It'll be like a breath of fresh air," said York. "To have an office that and individual detective or administrative position is assigned to rather than having two or three to an office."
    "I've know from when I first came here that the station was inadequate for the size department we had, and that was six years ago," Wood said.
    Councilman Will Britt said the city council is also really excited about the new facility.
    "It'll free up the overcrowding at the police department," he said. "There's very little space for anyone who has to do paperwork. There are boxes in the corners, on desks and in the storage shed."
    In addition to the added space, there will be other features that York said will enable the department to work more efficiently.
    "One thing we'll have is a forensic lab on site," he said. "There will still be some things we'll need to send off, but a lot of things we'll be able to do ourselves," he said.
    Britt said the project has gone very smoothly and has remained on budget.
    "It'll suit the needs like we thought it would and it looks nice," he said.
    Wood credited the mayor and city council for their foresight in and planning to ensure the funding was available for the new facility. He estimated the final cost, including furnishings and electrical to be $5,658,559.
    York said he'd be remiss if he didn't express his appreciation to the city council, City Manager George Wood and the citizens of Statesboro for funding the project.
    "It's something we've needed for 10 years," York said. "The fact that it's finally coming to light is an exciting, humbling feeling."
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