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Letter - Thanks to Joe Franklin and Ken Brown who would protect GSU in case of tragedy
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    During my 33 years at Southern, we had two incidents to take place which caught the attention of the public. A silly slapstick food fight in Landrum Center one Sunday evening and then later in decades “streekers" guys running across a parking lot late one night naked as a new born babe.
    My heart is heavy with the tragedy of Va. Tech.
    At Southern two names came to light this week, Joe Franklin and Ken Brown. They don’t get copy in the news. Not until Va. Tech. I know both individuals. Joe is V. P. for Finance with the responsibility for many campus activities; Brown is chief of Campus Security.
    I pray we never, never experience the terror of this week’s eventsat Va. Tech. But if we do, remember the two above names. They are on the mark. They are ready. They are men who work daily to protect. But if the darkness comes and they are called on to correct, accept my word for it, Southern is will be poised for taking on such dastardly deeds.
    Franklin and Brown, know their names. Their duties are carried out quietly. They’re not at ribbon cuttings. Check presentations. But they are Eagles for Southern.
Ric Mandes
GSU Retired
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