Due to tight fiscal conditions throughout the city, the Statesboro City Council will be faced with a slew of proposals to raise a number of different fees in various departments, when they meet Tuesday evening.
According to the council agenda released Friday evening, additional monies are need by the city to finance a wide variety of operations – from criminal history requests to variance requests, collecting and billing of utility accounts, issuing building, electrical and plumbing permits and even the collecting of yard and residential waste. Most requested increases are related to inflation or the desire to transfer more of the financial burden to those utilizing city services.
The resolution to amend the schedule of fees and charges for the Solid Waste Collection division of the city’s Public Works department is requesting a three percent increase in fees to offset the effects of inflation. The Solid Waste Disposal division (transfer station and the post-closure landfill) is also seeking a three percent increase for the same reason.
The Engineering department is requesting a raise in rates to offset inflation and to bring the fees for the new cemetery addition in line with nearby private cemeteries. And the Planning department is raising a number of fees to “defray a greater percentage of the cost” of their staff’s time devoted to a particular project. Though other fees will increase while annexation fees will be eliminated, if the proposal passes, the cost of a variance request will grow from $80 to between $250 and $350 while the cost of a zoning map amendment will rise from $80 to between $200 and $400.
The City Clerk’s office is also requesting increases to offset costs associated with managing billing. Approval by the council will set water and gas deposits to $85 per account and the account establishment fee to $24.
Even the Statesboro Municipal Court has sought an increase in fees, asking that the city impose a 10 percent “add-on” to the base fine off all city citations, in order to cover housing in the Bulloch County jail.
In other business, the council will consider adopting an amendment to the fiscal year 2009 budget to account for unintended expenses and delayed purchases; will consider making zoning charges regarding lot sizes in commercial retail and high-occupancy retail districts; and will consider a request to amend the conditions for approval for a temporary leasing office for Campus Crest Apartments.
There are no scheduled executive sessions. The council meets Tuesday at 6 p.m. on the second floor of city hall.
Phil Boyum may be reached (912) 489-9454.
According to the council agenda released Friday evening, additional monies are need by the city to finance a wide variety of operations – from criminal history requests to variance requests, collecting and billing of utility accounts, issuing building, electrical and plumbing permits and even the collecting of yard and residential waste. Most requested increases are related to inflation or the desire to transfer more of the financial burden to those utilizing city services.
The resolution to amend the schedule of fees and charges for the Solid Waste Collection division of the city’s Public Works department is requesting a three percent increase in fees to offset the effects of inflation. The Solid Waste Disposal division (transfer station and the post-closure landfill) is also seeking a three percent increase for the same reason.
The Engineering department is requesting a raise in rates to offset inflation and to bring the fees for the new cemetery addition in line with nearby private cemeteries. And the Planning department is raising a number of fees to “defray a greater percentage of the cost” of their staff’s time devoted to a particular project. Though other fees will increase while annexation fees will be eliminated, if the proposal passes, the cost of a variance request will grow from $80 to between $250 and $350 while the cost of a zoning map amendment will rise from $80 to between $200 and $400.
The City Clerk’s office is also requesting increases to offset costs associated with managing billing. Approval by the council will set water and gas deposits to $85 per account and the account establishment fee to $24.
Even the Statesboro Municipal Court has sought an increase in fees, asking that the city impose a 10 percent “add-on” to the base fine off all city citations, in order to cover housing in the Bulloch County jail.
In other business, the council will consider adopting an amendment to the fiscal year 2009 budget to account for unintended expenses and delayed purchases; will consider making zoning charges regarding lot sizes in commercial retail and high-occupancy retail districts; and will consider a request to amend the conditions for approval for a temporary leasing office for Campus Crest Apartments.
There are no scheduled executive sessions. The council meets Tuesday at 6 p.m. on the second floor of city hall.
Phil Boyum may be reached (912) 489-9454.