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Feral hogs decimate local crops
Special permits allow hunting of nuisance pigs, deer
W 082915 CROP DAMAGE 01
Bulloch County farmer Wayne Mallard surveys the damage to one of his peanut fields done by what he estimates to be 30-40 wild hogs. This is the second crop planted in this field after the hogs rooted up the seed the first time he planted.
Bulloch County farmer Wayne Mallard stood in the middle of one of his peanut fields Wednesday, surveying the devastation caused by feral hogs. Also called wild pigs, these destructive animals that raze crops and uproot farmland are different from the wild boar, or razorback, introduced to the country centuries ago by the Spanish and other explorers. These wild hogs are descendants of domesticated swine, which have interbred with the European wild boar to create the pests Mallard wishes would disappear.
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