(Note: All information included in this report is taken from law enforcement incident reports and arrest records, which are public records and available for review at any and all local law enforcement agencies. Not every arrest leads to a conviction. Guilt or innocence is determined by the court system.)
Statesboro Police Arrests
Whitney Spencer Music, 22, Fernandina Beach, Fla. — public drunk.
Christopher Lawton Hamrick, 19, Dublin — disorderly conduct.
James Clayton Taglioli Jr., 21, East Grady Street — driving with a suspended license, no proof of insurance.
Venybe Chaunte Medley, 21, Lanier Drive — driving with a suspended license.
Jonathan Dale Leonard, 24, Hawthorne II — public drunk.
Andrew Henry Durr III, Statesboro Place — obstruction, public drunk, underage possession of alcohol, multiple counts of possession of fraudulent documents.
Jeffrey Lee Bell, 45, North Augusta — burglary.
Bulloch Sheriff's Arrests
Antorreo Jaquan Rich , 20, East Jones Street — theft by receiving stolen property, burglary.
Therman Elidridge Kilcrease, 53, Highway 301 South — battery, probation violation.
Alfredo Juarez, 26, Pintail Lane — no driver's license, license plate with intent to conceal.
Marijah Denise Kelly, 25, Pleasant Avenue — no insurance.
Marcus Marquis Hobbs, 22, Sinkhole Road — loitering and prowling.
Georgia State Patrol Arrests Troopers issued six traffic violation citations Monday.
Georgia Southern University Arrests
Cory Douglas Radcliffe, 18, Eagle Village — minor in possession of alcohol, obstruction of an officer.
Statesboro Police Incidents
LANIER DRIVE — A woman reported she and her husband were involved in a domestic dispute.
MATTHEWS ROAD — A man reported someone shattered his windshield while he was parked.
MATTHEWS ROAD — A man reported damage to the rear portion of his car while he was parked.
PARK AVENUE BANK — Police responded to an alarm and found that someone had appeared to hit one of the bank's ATMs with their car.
STOCKYARD ROAD — Police responded to a report of ammonia vapor being discharged in the air. The Fire Department's Hazardous Materials Unit also responded to the scene.
GENTILLY DRIVE — A man reported someone stole his screen door and light from the back of his home.
POPLAR STREET — A man reported someone stole his PlayStation 2 and 12 video games.
SOUTH WALNUT STREET — A man reported someone broke a window of his business.
SAVANNAH AVENUE — Police and firefighters responded to a structure fire.
Bulloch Sheriff's Incidents
PAMELA WAY (Statesboro) — Deputies arrested two juveniles for trespassing at the North Point Mobile Home Park.
KENNEDY POND ROAD (Statesboro) — A woman reported her father, who has been diagnosed with alzheimers disease, walked away from her home. He was later found at a truck stop on Highway 301 near Interstate 16.
PULASKI ROAD (Statesboro) — Deputies responded to a report that the back door of the Williams Grove Church of God was found open. Nothing was reported missing and there were no signs of a forced entry.
HOOD ROAD (Statesboro) — A man reported that during the night, someone stole five GSU logo pin flags, five flag poles and four metal cups from the Georgia Southern golf practice facility.
OLD RIVER ROAD SOUTH (Brooklet) — A woman reported finding a Visa Check Card, GSU Eagle ID and black wallet on her door step. She said she didn't know the victim.
LAKE COLLINS ROAD (Statesboro) — A man reported another man came to her home and threatened to beat him up. The victim said he would call law enforcement if he didn't leave. The victim said a short time later the man returned. When asked about it, the other man said he didn't drive into the yard and never got out of his vehicle.
MAY ROAD (Ellabell) — A woman reported she and her husband were involved in a verbal altercation, but at no time did it turn physical.
BREAM ROAD (Statesboro) — A man reported having a conflict with regards to an eviction. He was advised to consult Magistrate Court.
OLD HAPPY LANE (Brooklet) — Deputies responded to a complaint of an unruly juvenile.
GALLOP'S MOBILE HOME PARK (Statesboro) — Deputies responded to a report of a man being choked and slapped by an unruly juvenile. The juvenile was arrested for simple battery.
Georgia State Patrol Incidents
Troopers issued 18 traffic warnings Monday.
Troopers assisted three motorists, helped with three emergency relays of blood or medical supplies and investigated five crashes with two reported injuries Monday.
Georgia Southern University Incidents
JOHNSON HALL — A case containing a number of CDs was reported missing from the parking lot.
RECREATION ACTIVITY CENTER — A wallet was reported stolen.
SOUTHERN COURTYARD — A wallet was reported stolen.
Officers issued three traffic warnings and assisted two motorists Monday.
911 Law Enforcement Reports
Central 911 operators dispatched the following calls Monday:
Bulloch County Sheriff's Department - nine calls.
Statesboro Police Department — 12 calls.
Georgia State Patrol Post 45 — four calls.
Brooklet Police — two calls.
Candler County Sheriff's Department — four calls.
Evans County Sheriff's Department — one call.
911 Fire Department Reports
Central 911 operators dispatched the following calls Monday:
Statesboro Fire Department — three calls.
Metter Fire Department — no calls.
911 EMS Reports
Central 911 operators dispatched the following calls Monday:
Bulloch County EMS — seven medical calls and one fire call.
Candler County EMS — two medical calls.
Evans County EMS — one accident and four medical calls.
Operators also routed the following calls Monday: a call to Chatham County 911.