Note: All information included in this report is taken from law enforcement incident reports and arrest records, which are public records and available for review at any and all local law enforcement agencies. Not every arrest leads to a conviction. Guilt or innocence is determined by the court system.
Statesboro Police Arrests
No arrests filed.
Bulloch Sheriff's Arrests
Jesse Catlin Brown,21, Birdfield Court, Powder Springs — probation violation (state court, public drunk, criminal trespass), probation violation (superior court, criminal damage to property).
Frank Lewis Sandlin, 42, J. M. Royal Lane, Register — probation violation (state court, battery), burglary.
Brenda Sprague Ebeling, 43, J. M. Royal Lane, Register — burglary.
Joshua Michael Burnsed, 17, Broad Water Lane, Bloomingdale — affray.
Susan Michelle Yaughn, 40, Alma Lane, Register — burglary.
Jose L. Gonzalez, Bragan Road, Brooklet — DUI (refused test), open container, no working brake lights in trailer, no driver's license.
Michael Bryan Morris, 32, Lakeview Road — aggravated assault and cruelty to children (family violence).
Uvaldo Guiterres, 43, Bronco Drive, Reidsville — reckless conduct, driving in violation of conditions of a limited permit, criminal trespass.
James Edward Frost, 22, Quartz Court, Metter — criminal trespass, battery.
Christopher Harrison Luper, 38, Jones Mill Road — driving in violation of conditions of a limited permit, failure to signal turn.
Ashley Lila Meredith, 20, Mud Road, Brooklet — simple battery.
Joseph Roy Gordon, 28, Brannen Hodges Road — simple battery, criminal trespass, disorderly conduct.
Jose Alvarez, 37, Hendrix Circle — criminal trespass.
Georgia State Patrol Arrests
Troopers issued 50 citations Sunday for traffic violations.
Georgia Southern University Arrests
No arrests reported.
Statesboro Police Incidents
ROUNDTREE STREET — Police responded to two adult brothers fighting with each other.
SANDY WAY APARTMENTS — A woman said she broke up with her boyfriend and went to a male friend's house. The ex-boyfriend came knocking on that friend's door and the male friend called police.
CAMPUS CLUB APARTMENTS — An officer passing by spotted a marijuana plant in a window sill.
LANIER DRIVE — An officer responded to a call about a man lying on the basketball court. The man was confused and not alert, but declined treatment. WAL-MART — A man was seen tossing merchandise through a hole in a fence, as if he intended to return and collect it. Store employees called police, but the man denied his actions.
WEST GRADY STREET — A woman told police she and a man were arguing and she wanted him to exit her vehicle.
Bulloch Sheriff's Incidents
Incident reports unavailable.
Georgia State Patrol Incidents
Troopers issued 36 warnings, and investigated four crashes with five reported injuries Sunday.
Georgia Southern University Incidents
BUILDING 807 — Someone reported a label maker taken from the building.
Officers assisted one motorist Friday.
Officers assisted one motorist Saturday.
911 Law Enforcement Reports
Central 911 operators dispatched the following calls Sunday:
Bulloch County Sheriff's Department — 15 calls.
Statesboro Police Department — 16 calls.
Georgia State Patrol Post 45 — seven calls.
Brooklet Police Department — two calls.
Candler County Sheriff's Department — five calls.
Evans County Sheriff's Department — three calls.
911 Fire Department Reports
Central 911 operators dispatched the following calls Sunday:
Statesboro Fire Department — three calls.
Bulloch County Volunteer firefighters — two calls.
Metter Fire Department — one call.
Claxton Fire Department — one call.
911 EMS Reports
Central 911 operators dispatched the following calls Sunday:
Bulloch County EMS — two accident calls, one rescue call and 16 medical calls.
Candler County EMS — two medical calls.
Evans County EMS — three medical calls.
Central 911 operators also routed three calls to Emanuel County 911 and one call to Effingham County 911.
— Compiled by Holli Deal Bragg
Statesboro Police Arrests
No arrests filed.
Bulloch Sheriff's Arrests
Jesse Catlin Brown,21, Birdfield Court, Powder Springs — probation violation (state court, public drunk, criminal trespass), probation violation (superior court, criminal damage to property).
Frank Lewis Sandlin, 42, J. M. Royal Lane, Register — probation violation (state court, battery), burglary.
Brenda Sprague Ebeling, 43, J. M. Royal Lane, Register — burglary.
Joshua Michael Burnsed, 17, Broad Water Lane, Bloomingdale — affray.
Susan Michelle Yaughn, 40, Alma Lane, Register — burglary.
Jose L. Gonzalez, Bragan Road, Brooklet — DUI (refused test), open container, no working brake lights in trailer, no driver's license.
Michael Bryan Morris, 32, Lakeview Road — aggravated assault and cruelty to children (family violence).
Uvaldo Guiterres, 43, Bronco Drive, Reidsville — reckless conduct, driving in violation of conditions of a limited permit, criminal trespass.
James Edward Frost, 22, Quartz Court, Metter — criminal trespass, battery.
Christopher Harrison Luper, 38, Jones Mill Road — driving in violation of conditions of a limited permit, failure to signal turn.
Ashley Lila Meredith, 20, Mud Road, Brooklet — simple battery.
Joseph Roy Gordon, 28, Brannen Hodges Road — simple battery, criminal trespass, disorderly conduct.
Jose Alvarez, 37, Hendrix Circle — criminal trespass.
Georgia State Patrol Arrests
Troopers issued 50 citations Sunday for traffic violations.
Georgia Southern University Arrests
No arrests reported.
Statesboro Police Incidents
ROUNDTREE STREET — Police responded to two adult brothers fighting with each other.
SANDY WAY APARTMENTS — A woman said she broke up with her boyfriend and went to a male friend's house. The ex-boyfriend came knocking on that friend's door and the male friend called police.
CAMPUS CLUB APARTMENTS — An officer passing by spotted a marijuana plant in a window sill.
LANIER DRIVE — An officer responded to a call about a man lying on the basketball court. The man was confused and not alert, but declined treatment. WAL-MART — A man was seen tossing merchandise through a hole in a fence, as if he intended to return and collect it. Store employees called police, but the man denied his actions.
WEST GRADY STREET — A woman told police she and a man were arguing and she wanted him to exit her vehicle.
Bulloch Sheriff's Incidents
Incident reports unavailable.
Georgia State Patrol Incidents
Troopers issued 36 warnings, and investigated four crashes with five reported injuries Sunday.
Georgia Southern University Incidents
BUILDING 807 — Someone reported a label maker taken from the building.
Officers assisted one motorist Friday.
Officers assisted one motorist Saturday.
911 Law Enforcement Reports
Central 911 operators dispatched the following calls Sunday:
Bulloch County Sheriff's Department — 15 calls.
Statesboro Police Department — 16 calls.
Georgia State Patrol Post 45 — seven calls.
Brooklet Police Department — two calls.
Candler County Sheriff's Department — five calls.
Evans County Sheriff's Department — three calls.
911 Fire Department Reports
Central 911 operators dispatched the following calls Sunday:
Statesboro Fire Department — three calls.
Bulloch County Volunteer firefighters — two calls.
Metter Fire Department — one call.
Claxton Fire Department — one call.
911 EMS Reports
Central 911 operators dispatched the following calls Sunday:
Bulloch County EMS — two accident calls, one rescue call and 16 medical calls.
Candler County EMS — two medical calls.
Evans County EMS — three medical calls.
Central 911 operators also routed three calls to Emanuel County 911 and one call to Effingham County 911.
— Compiled by Holli Deal Bragg