Note: All information included in this report is taken from law enforcement incident reports and arrest records, which are public records and available for review at any and all local law enforcement agencies. Not every arrest leads to a conviction. Guilt or innocence is determined by the court system.
Statesboro Police Arrests
Lester Charles Wadley, 21, 24 East Apartments — possession of a controlled substance.
Wayne Emerson Hand, 48, Continental Road — battery.
Sharon R. Comerford, 44, Lagoon Road — wanted person.
Kristen Nicole Handy, 17, Deloach Church Connector, Pembroke — theft by shoplifting.
Roy Ashten Wilson, 21, Black Creek Church Road, Brooklet — wanted person.
Curtis Tera Deal, 60, The Lodge Apartments — second offense driving with a suspended license, expired tag.
Arie Bryant Flury, 30, Railroad Street, Glennville — DUI, improper stopping in the roadway.
Heather Lyall, 45, Pineview Road — DUI.
Rameill Trevon Brinson, 20, Georgia Villas — possession of a firearm during the commission of a crime, aggravated assault with a gun.
Richard Lawson Moore IV, 39, Florence Avenue — burglary, theft by taking, theft by deception.
Dominique Hobbs, 18, Van Buren Street — cocaine possession , possession of a controlled substance.
Robert Anthony Wilbon, 31, Southern Villas — possession of a firearm during the commission of a crime, aggravated assault with a gun.
Moreo Cortez Howell, 24, Bermuda Run — battery.
Marquette Lamont Stanley, 24, Pine Street — simple battery.
Kenneth Barnard Mikell, 19, Hope Baptist Church Road — disorderly conduct, public intoxication, underage possession of alcohol.
Bulloch Sheriff's Arrests
Elgie Raymond, 52, Holly Drive, Savannah — theft by conversion, bench warrant.
Travis Clayton McNamar, 30, Lane Road — criminal trespass, simple battery.
Mechelle Lynn Duncan, 36, Broomstraw Trace, Ellabell — battery.
Jamie Anthony Raffield, 33, Broomstraw Trace, Ellabell — battery.
Georgia State Patrol Arrests
Troopers issued nine citations Monday for traffic violations.
Georgia Southern University Arrests
Jamie Michael Braddy, 23, Windwood Court — DUI and failure to maintain lane.
Statesboro Police Incidents
CONTINENTAL ROAD — A man said his adult son struck him in the face, causing a laceration. The son was intoxicated, according to reports.
GENTILLY ROAD — Police stopped a woman who was walking, unsteady on her feet, and found her to be intoxicated, underage, and in possession of two fake ID's.
WALMART — A woman and man were arrested after store detectives found the following concealed in the woman's purse: marking string, a utility knife, hammer, speed square, pistachios, and a tool belt.
DUNLAP STREET — Police investigated an aggravated assault with a firearm and arrested two men.
MORRIS HEIGHTS — A juvenile reported being raped, listing an offender by name. Police are investigating.
PINE STREET — A woman said several suspects taunted her. One man struck her in the jaw with his fist and a woman struck her in the eye.
CAMBRIDGE AT SOUTHERN — A man struck a woman's car windshield during an argument.
CAMPUS CLUB APARTMENTS — A man reported the theft of a green 1996 Chevrolet Caprice Classic.
MIKELL STREET — A woman said several females came to her house wanting to fight about her ex-husband, who is related to one of the offenders.
GROOVER LANE — A man said his live-in girlfriend placed a board over the door, locking him out.
Bulloch Sheriff's Incidents
SAND HILL HUNTING CLUB — (Burkhalter Road) A man told deputies someone cut a chain on a gate to the hunting club entrance. He said he suspects someone did so to ride four-wheelers on the property.
WOMACK ROAD EAST — (Statesboro) A woman said she and her husband are separated, but she came home to find him at her residence with two other women and their children. An argument ensued.
R. L. LEE ROAD — (Statesboro) A man said he was at his father's house when a woman came into the home in a "drunken rage." The woman was angry because she thought he was cheating on her, he said.
CYPRESS LAKE MOBILE HOME PARK — (Register) A woman told deputies someone took an 11-week-old red nose pit bulldog puppy from a tether in her yard.
KING ARTHUR DRIVE — (Statesboro) A man said he and a witness went outside and found a man inside his truck. The man ran when confronted, and escaped in a white Dodge truck.
MITCHELL RIGDON ROAD — (Statesboro) A woman told deputies her ex-husband refused to comply with divorce agreements, failed to return their two kids on time, and always returns them to her filthy.
Georgia State Patrol Incidents
Troopers issued 11 warnings, assisted one motorist and investigated one crash with two reported injuries Wednesday.
Georgia Southern University Incidents
RECREATION ACTIVITY CENTER — Graffiti was written on a wall near the RAC Pavilion restrooms.
Officers issued one traffic warning and assisted two motorists Wednesday.
911 Law Enforcement Reports
Central 911 operators dispatched the following calls Wednesday:
Bulloch County Sheriff's Department - 20 calls.
Statesboro Police Department — 21 calls.
Georgia State Patrol Post 45 — six calls.
Candler County Sheriff's Department — nine calls.
Evans County Sheriff's Department — one call.
Claxton Police Department — two calls.
911 Fire Department Reports
Central 911 operators dispatched the following calls Wednesday:
Statesboro Fire Department — two calls.
Bulloch County Volunteer firefighters — five calls.
Metter Fire Department — three call.
911 EMS Reports
Central 911 operators dispatched the following calls Wednesday:
Bulloch County EMS — two accident calls, one rescue call and 11 medical calls.
Candler County EMS — one accident call and two medical calls.
Evans County EMS — one medical call.
Central 911 operators also routed a call to Emanuel County 911, a call to Chatham county 911, a call to Bryan County 911 and a call to Tattnall County 911.
— Compiled by Holli Deal Bragg
Police Report - June 1

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