(Note: All information included in this report is taken from law enforcement incident reports and arrest records, which are public records and available for review at any and all local law enforcement agencies. Not every arrest leads to a conviction. Guilt or innocence is determined by the court system.)
Statesboro Police Arrests
No arrests filed.
Bulloch Sheriff's Arrests
Robert Kupidlowski, 64, East Lee Street, Brooklet — failure to register as a sex offender.
Wade Douglas Boykin, 19, Lanier Drive — possession of psilocybin (mushrooms), sale of marijuana.
John Arthur Harden, 19, Southern Courtyard — sale of marijuana, possession of marijuana with intent to distribute.
Robbie Earl Strickland, 28, Lee Road, Brooklet — disorderly conduct.
Deonte Demond Ward, 22, Stambuk Lane — disorderly conduct.
Darrin Rex Shurling, 34, Ga. 119, Brooklet — child support lockup.
James Edward Williams, 38, Spell Mincey Road, Portal — theft by conversion.
Jennifer Anne Myatt, 18, Stilson-Leefield Road, Brooklet — first degree forgery, theft by taking.
Dalton Reese Taylor, 26, Lanier Drive — probation violation, pedestrian under the influence.
Gregory Earle Murphy, 21, Bermuda Run Apartments — marijuana possession.
Sean Darnell Jackson, 34, Eagle Walk Apartments — theft of services.
Ronnie Mincey, 27, Plantation Mobile Home Park — crimnal trespass, theft by taking.
Georgia State Patrol Arrests
Randy Rivers, 50, Pulaski — DUI (-ending test results).
Troopers issued five traffic violation citations Tuesday.
Georgia Southern University Arrests
Officers issued two traffic citations Tuesday.
Statesboro Police Incidents
No incidents filed.
Bulloch Sheriff's Incidents
AKINS CIRCLE — (Brooklet) Deputies responding to a fight spoke with three victims who said a man called " Cujo" came to their location and started an argument, then pulled a gun and pointed it at one victim while "yelling obscenities." The man then pointed the gun at two others, according to the victims. When deputies spoke to the offender's brother, who had taken the offender to the incident location, the man said he took the offender to get money owed to him but no weapons were involved.
NORTH TAYLOR COURT — (Statesboro) Deputies responding to a report of a woman screaming spoke with a female who said a man slapped her and grabbed her by the wrist.
LEON NEWSOME ROAD — (Statesboro) Two men seen entering property that was not their own were arrested after witnesses told deputies.
BARN MOBILE HOME PARK — (Statesboro) A woman said a man she knows drove in front of her home, stopped and brandished a pistol at her, pointing it at her home. He then balled his fist and made an obscene gesture with his fingers before leaving.
Another man went to the sheriff's office to complain about the same offender, with whom he said he had an ongoing dispute. The complainant said the offender approached him and cursed him, making threats.
Georgia State Patrol Incidents
Troopers issued six warnings, assisted one motorist, and investigated two crashes with no reported injuries Tuesday.
Georgia Southern University Incidents
EAGLE VILLAGE — Some one reported being harassed.
JOHNSON HALL — A fight was reported and in a separate incident someone reported a jacket was taken.
KENNEDY HALL — Someone said a television cord was taken from residence hall.
CONE HALL — Someone said a vehicle was damaged in the parking lot.
RUSSELL UNION — An unwanted person was reported.
SANFORD HALL — Someone reported an unwanted person.
Officers issued two traffic warnings, investigated one traffic accident, assisted five motorists, and responded to one alarm.
911 Law Enforcement Reports
Central 911 operators dispatched the following calls Tuesday:
Bulloch County Sheriff's Department — 15 calls.
Statesboro Police Department — 17 calls.
University Police Department — one call.
Georgia State Patrol Post 45 — four calls.
Candler County Sheriff's Department — four calls.
Evans County Sheriff's Department — two calls.
911 Fire Department Reports
Central 911 operators dispatched the following calls Tuesday:
Statesboro Fire Department — two calls.
Bulloch County volunteer firefighters — three calls.
911 EMS Reports
Central 911 operators dispatched the following calls Tuesday:
Bulloch County EMS — one accident call, one fire call and nine medical calls.
Candler County EMS — three medical calls.
Evans County EMS — two medical calls.
Central 911 operators also routed two calls to Effingham County 911, a call to Bryan County 911, a call to Jenkins County 911, and a call to Emanuel County 911 .
— Compiled by Holli Deal Bragg
Statesboro Police Arrests
No arrests filed.
Bulloch Sheriff's Arrests
Robert Kupidlowski, 64, East Lee Street, Brooklet — failure to register as a sex offender.
Wade Douglas Boykin, 19, Lanier Drive — possession of psilocybin (mushrooms), sale of marijuana.
John Arthur Harden, 19, Southern Courtyard — sale of marijuana, possession of marijuana with intent to distribute.
Robbie Earl Strickland, 28, Lee Road, Brooklet — disorderly conduct.
Deonte Demond Ward, 22, Stambuk Lane — disorderly conduct.
Darrin Rex Shurling, 34, Ga. 119, Brooklet — child support lockup.
James Edward Williams, 38, Spell Mincey Road, Portal — theft by conversion.
Jennifer Anne Myatt, 18, Stilson-Leefield Road, Brooklet — first degree forgery, theft by taking.
Dalton Reese Taylor, 26, Lanier Drive — probation violation, pedestrian under the influence.
Gregory Earle Murphy, 21, Bermuda Run Apartments — marijuana possession.
Sean Darnell Jackson, 34, Eagle Walk Apartments — theft of services.
Ronnie Mincey, 27, Plantation Mobile Home Park — crimnal trespass, theft by taking.
Georgia State Patrol Arrests
Randy Rivers, 50, Pulaski — DUI (-ending test results).
Troopers issued five traffic violation citations Tuesday.
Georgia Southern University Arrests
Officers issued two traffic citations Tuesday.
Statesboro Police Incidents
No incidents filed.
Bulloch Sheriff's Incidents
AKINS CIRCLE — (Brooklet) Deputies responding to a fight spoke with three victims who said a man called " Cujo" came to their location and started an argument, then pulled a gun and pointed it at one victim while "yelling obscenities." The man then pointed the gun at two others, according to the victims. When deputies spoke to the offender's brother, who had taken the offender to the incident location, the man said he took the offender to get money owed to him but no weapons were involved.
NORTH TAYLOR COURT — (Statesboro) Deputies responding to a report of a woman screaming spoke with a female who said a man slapped her and grabbed her by the wrist.
LEON NEWSOME ROAD — (Statesboro) Two men seen entering property that was not their own were arrested after witnesses told deputies.
BARN MOBILE HOME PARK — (Statesboro) A woman said a man she knows drove in front of her home, stopped and brandished a pistol at her, pointing it at her home. He then balled his fist and made an obscene gesture with his fingers before leaving.
Another man went to the sheriff's office to complain about the same offender, with whom he said he had an ongoing dispute. The complainant said the offender approached him and cursed him, making threats.
Georgia State Patrol Incidents
Troopers issued six warnings, assisted one motorist, and investigated two crashes with no reported injuries Tuesday.
Georgia Southern University Incidents
EAGLE VILLAGE — Some one reported being harassed.
JOHNSON HALL — A fight was reported and in a separate incident someone reported a jacket was taken.
KENNEDY HALL — Someone said a television cord was taken from residence hall.
CONE HALL — Someone said a vehicle was damaged in the parking lot.
RUSSELL UNION — An unwanted person was reported.
SANFORD HALL — Someone reported an unwanted person.
Officers issued two traffic warnings, investigated one traffic accident, assisted five motorists, and responded to one alarm.
911 Law Enforcement Reports
Central 911 operators dispatched the following calls Tuesday:
Bulloch County Sheriff's Department — 15 calls.
Statesboro Police Department — 17 calls.
University Police Department — one call.
Georgia State Patrol Post 45 — four calls.
Candler County Sheriff's Department — four calls.
Evans County Sheriff's Department — two calls.
911 Fire Department Reports
Central 911 operators dispatched the following calls Tuesday:
Statesboro Fire Department — two calls.
Bulloch County volunteer firefighters — three calls.
911 EMS Reports
Central 911 operators dispatched the following calls Tuesday:
Bulloch County EMS — one accident call, one fire call and nine medical calls.
Candler County EMS — three medical calls.
Evans County EMS — two medical calls.
Central 911 operators also routed two calls to Effingham County 911, a call to Bryan County 911, a call to Jenkins County 911, and a call to Emanuel County 911 .
— Compiled by Holli Deal Bragg