ä POKEMON RESCUE Operation Mega-Hunt Hunt will continue through Dec. 31 at Statesboro Regional Library. For ages 8 and older. For more information call (912) 764-1341.
Upcoming Events
ä SENIOR CRAFT Activity will be held Dec. 4 at Statesboro Regional Library beginning at 10 a.m. For more information call (912) 764-1341.
ä TEEN ADVISORY Group (TAG) Meeting will be held Dec. 4 at 5 p.m. at Statesboro Regional Library. For ages 12–18.
ä THE CITY of Statesboro Mayor and Council will meet Dec. 5 at 9 a.m. in Council Chambers at Statesboro City Hall, East Main Street. A Council Work Session will coincide with this meeting.
ä GENEALOGY Program will be held Dec. 5 at Statesboro Regional Library beginning at 2 p.m. Program topic: “Family History.” For more information email or call (912) 764-1341. Register (required) at the Circulation Desk. For ages 18 and older. Social-distancing will be observed.
ä BULLOCH COUNTY Board of Commissioners will meet Dec. 5 at 5:30 p.m. in the Board of Commissioners Room, North Main Annex, North Main Street.
ä MAGIC CLUB will meet Dec. 5 at Statesboro Regional Library beginning at 6 p.m. For ages 6–11. For more information call (912) 764-1341.
ä ARCHIBALD Bulloch Chapter, NSDAR will meet Dec. 7 at 11:30 a.m. at the former Bulloch Solutions building, Northside Drive West, for a potluck luncheon meeting. Business will follow the meal. Program, “The Music of Christmas,” will be presented by Dr. Michael Braz, Georgia Southern University, retired. Bring a covered dish. Parking available in the rear of the building.
ä TRIVIA WITH Marion will be held Dec. 7 at Statesboro Regional Library beginning at 4:30 p.m. For ages 8 and older. For more information call (912) 764-1341.
ä BULLOCH COUNTY Board of Education Work Session will be held Dec. 7 at 6:30 p.m. in the board room of the Central Office/Transition Learning Center, Williams Road.
ä SENIOR SOCIAL Hour will be held Dec. 11 at Statesboro Regional Library beginning at 10:30 a.m. For more information call (912) 764-1341.
ä ADULT CRAFT Activity will be held Dec. 12 at Statesboro Regional Library beginning at 11 a.m. For ages 18 and older. For more information call (912) 764-1341.
ä KIDS’ CRAFT Day will be held Dec. 13 in the Kids’ Craft Activity Room of Statesboro Regional Library beginning at 5 p.m. For ages 6–11. For more information call (912) 764-1341.
ä TEEN PAINT & Sip Event will be held Dec.14 at Statesboro Regional Library beginning at 4:30 p.m. For ages 12–18. For more information call (912) 764-1341.
ä BULLOCH COUNTY Planning & Zoning Commission will meet Dec. 14 at 6 p.m. in the Board of Commissioners Room, North Main Annex, North Main Street.
ä BULLOCH COUNTY Board of Education Regular Session will be held Dec. 14 at 6:30 p.m. in the board room of the Central Office/Transition Learning Center, Williams Road.
ä SENIOR BINGO & Coffee will be held Dec. 15 at Statesboro Regional Library beginning at 11 a.m. For more information call (912) 764-1341.
Ongoing Events
ä STATESBORO STITCHES, a crochet and knitting club, meets on Saturdays, 10 a.m.–noon, at Statesboro Regional Library. For more information call (912) 764-1341.
ä “ME FIRST” Fall Session Tutoring will be offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 5–6:30 p.m., through Nov. 16 at Statesboro Regional Library. For ages 5–18.
ä ONE-ON-One Tech Help is being offered on Wednesdays and Fridays, 2–4 p.m., at Statesboro Regional Library. To make an appointment (required) call (912) 764-1341.
ä COMMUNITY KINDNESS Club meets every Friday at 4 p.m. at Statesboro Regional Library. For all ages. For more information call (912) 764-1341.
ä STATESBORO STITCHES, a crochet and knitting club, meets on Saturdays at 10 a.m. at Statesboro Regional Library. For more information call (912) 764-1341.
ä BOY SCOUT Troop 935 meets every Monday (except holidays), 6:30–8 p.m., at The Scout Hut, East Cherry Street. For more information call (904) 403-4908 or email
ä TODDLER PARENT-Led Playtime will be held on Wednesdays at Statesboro Regional Library beginning at 10:30 a.m. For ages 2–5. For more information call (912) 764-1341.
ä HOMESCHOOL FRIDAY will be held each Friday at Statesboro Regional Library beginning at 10 a.m. For more information call (912) 764-1341.