Willingway Hospital recently played host to the 2007 Association of Intervention Specialists’ semi-annual conference. The Association chose Willingway because of the hospital’s international reputation as providing excellent recovery treatment for alcoholics and drug addicts.
The Association of Intervention Specialists (AIS) is an international organization that offers certification, continuing education and training to its membership of professional interventionists – thus constantly increasing the level of professionalism of the field.
An Intervention is a structured process designed to motivate someone having problems due to their alcohol or drug use to seek help. Interventions that are organized by professional interventionists are especially successful in motivating those who do not want help or are in denial about their addiction problems. Our experience has shown that, in most cases, interventions are successful in that the addicted person agrees to participate in a recovery program, usually beginning with an inpatient treatment center.
Over 50 AIS members from across the US and overseas visited the Willingway campus to learn about Willingway’s highly successful treatment program. The guests had the opportunity to meet members of the hospital’s staff, including Jimmy Mooney, CEO; Dr. Bobby Mooney, medical director; and members of the counseling and nursing staffs.
Visitors toured the hospital’s extensively remodeled facility and were able to have a question and answer session with Dr. Bobby Mooney after his presentation on Willingway’s unique philosophy and treatment program.
Willingway is known for providing a successful detoxification process, even when patients have medically complicated situations or are using high amounts of prescription drugs, such as methadone, oxycontin, suboxone. The hospital offers a full continuum of care – from medically supervised detoxification, residential inpatient treatment, a family program, extended care facilities for both men and women, and extensive outpatient options.
“Willingway provides a rare combination of excellent medical care and outstanding addiction treatment,” said Dr. Suzanne Brent, a Texas Interventionist.
Willingway’s philosophy is that staff, patients and alumni adhere to a lifestyle free of mood-altering drugs and alcohol.
“As a professional in the recovery field, I have always believed in the chemical-free policy that (Willingway) subscribes to. It is the only hope for a recovering person,” said Meyer Slacum, an Interventionist from Maryland.
And Dr. Kathy Jo Dennison, from Arizona, said, “After my visit to Willingway, I realized that I finally experienced the ‘best of the best’ in detoxification and therapeutic rehabilitation treatment programs. … Dr. Mooney offers the very best in both medical and psychiatric care to Willingway’s clients.”
Willingway’s highly structured program has very strong roots in the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous; patients become familiar with the AA program during their inpatient stay.
“I very much like Willingway’s daily 12-Step approach to the treatment of chemical dependency,” Dennison added.
“It was a great honor for us to be selected to host this conference,” said Jimmy Mooney, Willingway CEO.“This gave us the opportunity to get to know intervention professionals from around the world and allowed them to gain an in-depth understanding of our program. The feedback we received validated our commitment to provide the highest quality care for those people who suffer from the disease of alcohol and drug addiction.”
Willingway works closely with a number of professional Interventionists. If you would like more information about interventions or treatment for drug or alcohol addiction, call 912-764-6236.