With a lot of help from our friends and neighbors in Bulloch County, I’m pleased to announce the arrival of “Statesboro: Through Our Eyes.”
The 144-page pictorial book traces the history of our community using photos of the people, places and events that shaped us then and continues through today. By no means is it a comprehensive study of the history of Statesboro and Bulloch County, but I know you’ll find it fascinating and fun as you look through the pages.
We decided to publish “Statesboro: Through Our Eyes” as part of our observation of the 75th anniversary marking the founding of the Herald in Statesboro. So, we contracted with a publisher who specializes in pictorial, coffee-table books. Pediment in Seattle, Wash., has helped put together hundreds of similar history-type books around the nation and they helped us every step of the way.
But our biggest helping hand was from you – our readers in print and online. We asked you to bring us your personal family photographs and you did. By the hundreds. There’s no way we could have published the book without your cooperation and input. Obviously, we couldn’t print every submitted photo, but I think those who did bring photos by will be pleased with the images that did make the book.
Also, the book would not have been possible without photos from the Bulloch County Historical Society, the Special Collections of the Henderson Library at Georgia Southern and the Statesboro Regional Library.
For all of you who ordered the book to be picked up at the Herald office you are welcome to come by anytime during our normal business hours, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m., Monday-Friday, and get your copy.
For those who ordered the book to be shipped to your home directly, it should arrive soon.
And for those who didn’t preorder, we have copies available to purchase here at the Herald office for $39.95, plus $2.80 tax for a total of $42.75 per book. If you would like it shipped to you, a $5.95 charge will be added for a total of $48.70 per book.
Also, beginning Tuesday, “Statesboro: Through Our Eyes” will be available to buy at Walmart, both locations of Harvey’s grocery store and Rite-Aid. More locations may be added in the future.
Yes, I’m biased, but the book makes a great Christmas gift or for any occasion. As a newspaper that believes in and is committed to digital and the Web, I can tell you that people will pull “Statesboro: Through Our Eyes” out 20 years from now and reminisce. They won’t pull up digital images nearly as often.
Right now, my two favorite images are on pages 56 and 88. The photo submitted by Janice Allen Rushing on page 56 shows cousins Sol Allen, Lit Allen and Grady Spence in 1925 looking like characters out of “Tom Sawyer.” On page 88, Gary Barnes is shown in a photo he submitted from 1958 performing in a rock ‘n roll band – the Cyclones.
I’m sure you’ll come up with favorites of your own and then find new favorites as you go through the book time and time again. I think I like the one on page 102 now...
James Healy is operations manager for the Statesboro Herald. He can be reached at (912) 489-9402.
Bulloch pictorial book arrives
144 pages of history now available

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