Every week the Statesboro Herald and statesboroherald.com ask a question of general interest. Look for the responses every Wednesday in Boro Snapshot.
Boro Snapshot is taped on Monday afternoons between 4:30 and 6. If you would like a chance to be featured on Boro Snapshot here are a few tips:
• Be at a heavily populated place such as Wal-Mart or the Statesboro Mall.
• Avoid being in or near a dense crowd.
• Make yourself available. Avoid being on a cellphone, etc.
• Be in a location with little background noise.
• Don't be shy!
This week's question:
"Do you think the presidential campaign is too long?"
Boro Snapshot is taped on Monday afternoons between 4:30 and 6. If you would like a chance to be featured on Boro Snapshot here are a few tips:
• Be at a heavily populated place such as Wal-Mart or the Statesboro Mall.
• Avoid being in or near a dense crowd.
• Make yourself available. Avoid being on a cellphone, etc.
• Be in a location with little background noise.
• Don't be shy!
This week's question:
"Do you think the presidential campaign is too long?"