WASHINGTON — Beset by poor poll numbers and the grind of the Russia investigation, President Donald Trump will look to reset his term with his first State of the Union address, arguing that his tax cut and economic policies will benefit all Americans.The theme of his Tuesday night address to Congress and the country is "Building a safe, strong and proud America," and the president is looking to showcase accomplishments of his first year while setting the tone for the second.Aides say the president plans to set aside his more combative tone for one of compromise, and to make an appeal beyond his base.Trump often engages in hyperpartisan politics, and his tax overhaul has been criticized for disproportionately favoring the wealthy. But he will try to make the case that all groups of people have benefited during his watch, according to a senior administration official who was not authorized to preview the speech for the record and spoke on the condition of anonymity.The annual address is a big set piece for any president, a prime-time window to address millions of voters. Every word is reviewed, every presidential guest carefully chosen, every sentence rehearsed.
Amid turmoil, Trump seeking a reset with State of the Union
Speech set for Tuesday night

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