Bulloch County Sheriff's deputies and school officials remain on the scene at William James Middle School, Mill Creek Elementary and Langston Chapel middle and elementary schools, said Hayley Greene, spokesperson for the Bulloch County Board of Education.
Bomb threats were called in to William James and Langston Chapel middle schools between 10:30 and 10:37 a.m. Tuesday, she said. The Mill Creek threat was called in after the first three.
All schools, including Langston Chapel Elementary, which is adjacent to the middle school, were immediately evacuated as a precaution, she said.
Bomb sniffing dogs from Chatham County were brought in to go through the schools. Nothing dangerous has been found, at this point.
Bulloch County School Superintendent Charles Wilson made the decision to cancel school for these four campuses for the remainder of the day while public safety personnel complete their investigation, she said.
"Parents are being contacted via our electronic messaging system. School buses have been mobilized and students are being taken home."
Sheriff's investigators are tracing the calls. Disrupting a public school is in violation of the law, she said, and offenders will be prosecuted.
The incident is unrelated to a power outage at Stilson Elementary School, which occurred around the same time as the bomb threats, Greene said.
A transformer blew, but the school, without power, was not evacuated, and students resumed classes and lunch while the power was being restored, she said.
Look for more details all day as they develop on statesboroherald.com and look for the complete in Wednesday's Statesboro Herald.
4 Bulloch schools receive bomb threats, classes cancelled

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