Yvette and Donnie White of Ocilla, Georgia, and Rhett Irwin announce the engagement of their daughter, Maran Irwin of Ocilla, to Rene Clark IV, son of Mr. and Mrs. Al and Debbie Clark.
The bride-elect is the granddaughter of Randy and Jackie Stripling and Steve and Sharon Curry. Maran is a 2008 graduate of Irwin County High School and is currently pursuing a degree in nursing.
The groom-elect is the grandson of John and Ann Hanna and A.R. and Ruth Clark. A graduate of Portal High School, Rene graduated from East Georgia College in Swainsboro and Armstrong Atlantic State University in Savannah. He is currently employed with Crosby Equipment Company in Swainsboro.
The couple is planning to wed on March 28, 2015, at 5 p.m. at Clark Farm.
No local invitations are being sent. All friends and relatives are invited to attend.

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