Mr. and Mrs. Rick Gehle of Moultrie are proud to announce the engagement of their daughter, Piper Lauranne, to Patrick Lucas McPherson of Charleston, S.C. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James Arthur McPherson II of Florence, S.C.
The bride-elect is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Smith of Portal, Ga., and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gehle of Augusta, Ga. She is the great-granddaughter of Mrs. Bertis Akins Deal of Statesboro. Piper is a 2000 graduate of Colquitt County High School and attended Georgia Southern University, where she was a member of Phi Mu Sorority. She graduated from South University in Savannah in 2006 with a doctor of Pharmacy degree. She is employed as a pharmacist with Walgreens in Charleston.
The future groom is the grandson of Mrs. Mary Jean McPherson and the late Mr. Seab T. McPherson of Florence, S.C., and Mrs. Pat McKissick and the late Mr. Ludie McKissick, also of Florence. Lucas is a 2000 graduate of South Florence High School and attended the College of Charleston. He is a 2006 graduate of Florence Darlington Technical School, with a degree in Radiologic Technology. He is employed by Florida Medical Development as a field operations manager.
The wedding is planned for April 13, 2013, at Statesboro First United Methodist Church.
Formal invitations will be sent.

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